The Retirement Thread

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Good morning all.
MrsP is off to her friend in Shropshire for a couple of days. It's her birthday and the girls are getting together for the weekend.
Leaving me with the dog and the three moggies. I'm sure I can get some cycling in, as well as watching the Tour, and there is some minor football match on Sunday evening.

Seems like a good plan to me 😀


Legendary Member
You're simply returning it to whence it came. Two tons a year isn't much when you consider the size of the earth.

It is enough when you have to spread it over a drive 75yards long, beneath the gravel is ten inches of 40 down limestone, I reckon the gravel fairies pinch it when nobody is looking.


Leg End Member
It is enough when you have to spread it over a drive 75yards long, beneath the gravel is ten inches of 40 down limestone, I reckon the gravel fairies pinch it when nobody is looking.
And then pass it onto those who sell it back to you!
You could be onto something.


Legendary Member
Bonjour. Hard labour for me this morning. We have a 15 square meters lawn at the front of the house and we want to remove it and cover the area with slate to match the parking space for the car. That will give us parking for 3 vehicles for visitors and no more lawn cutting either. I have done half of it and that's it for today.
Had a shower, going to have lunch shortly and then settle down for the TdF later. SiL is doing the opposite. He is in the middle of relaying turf to my side garden.
Good morning all, this is even worse than normal.

Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: my outdoor tomato plants are shivering....will be surprised if they produce much. Am loving my new drive train its schnickety and no graunch and extra ratio's are handy.
Was chatting to an ex cyclist who said he's got a Trek hybrid in his shed....hmmm interesting i said ^_^ i might have a spare bike soon for 50 quids :okay:
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