The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
It's bin day tomorrow, and maiin bins as well. How exciting is that.

After that much excitement, you may need a laydown; take it easy.

When he was young my Dad went to the IOM to watch the TT a couple of time

Apparently after the race finished the winner was showing his helmet
it had scratches on the top where he had scratched it by going slightly too close to corner with a cliff on it!!

now THAT is taking the corner as tight as possible

none of these namby pamby gravel traps and run off areas!
We have a 3 year old here
his Dad dropped him off at 9 ish and we have to take him home and pick up his sister and cousin from school

so we have been to the playground - which we walked to in spite of objection and requests to go by car!!!

had to leave early because it started to rain very slightly

but as the local papers are going on about flooded roads in Liverpool and Thunderstorms I thought we had better head home

it has stopped now - inevitably!


Legendary Member
Going for a post prandial snooze.

Feeling a bit like doing the same. Just waiting on the bin lorry so I can get the bin in.
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