The Retirement Thread

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RIght - just time for a cuppa and then we're off

apparently we have to go the a hotel where SWMBO's son (I first met him when he was in his 30a - so calling him my step-son sounds wrong!) and his girlfriend will be getting married nest year

Apparently we have to go for an organised look around

no - I don;t understand either but apparently it is important

took several goes to find out what time we are supposed to be there as we only got "I think it is about" eveyr time we asked
finally got an answer this morning

sounds like something that people will be stressing about for no reason

I just hope the grand kids will be there and want attention and I can get away from what ever is going on!


Legendary Member
Waste of good space that could be used for better things

in my opinion - which is worth naff all

but at least it stops people building on the place - which "they" want to do on one of the golf clubs near me
and another one - that hasn;t been used for many years as the ground as found to be poisoned - seems to be eaten up by solar farms (if that is the right term???)

Beautiful and well used here so definitely not a waste of space.

Been back out for a while. I’ll leave syncing the Garmin until later to see if I can nip into the lead and not get passed again. I’m not competitive, honestly! :laugh:


Heavy rain here in Meanwoodshire folks.I am taking it easy vertigo in a mild form has returned,and my hearing has gone walk about,oh and i feel sick due to the slight dizziness.Old age has it's problems,but i do have my Ologys to look forward to.Appointments at Audiology for hearing and vertigo,dermatology for the mole on my back and cardiology for my swollen feet legs ankles and toes,which looks like is being caused by a wonky ticker,but i am still here-----------------------------------argh.


Legendary Member
I have just been and picked Pam's car up from my sons's where it has been since Christmas, that was a bit emotional, now I have to decide what to do with it, just seeing it outside on the drive is hard. Right now I best get cleaned up and off to see Dave, no doubt we will both update you later.


Legendary Member
I repaired my microwave, I went into the kitchen and the microwave door was open, I closed it but it would not clip in place
I went and goggled, it is quite a common problem, there is a spring to keep the two laches down and the plastic clips that is at one ends breaks,
but it's an easy fix after removing the inner plastic frame there is a steel frame where you can hook it to I used a piece of steel wire and hooked it to the steel frame and the other end back onto the laches, all back together and all up and running. :smile:


Legendary Member
He’s done it again! :sad: Can I be bothered going back out? :laugh:



Legendary Member
If you ever get a chance to meet Dave7 in person do it, a great guy with a great family, thanks for the beer, coffee and grub guys.

You might wonder how I recognised him, we agreed before hand that he would have a pink carnation behind his left ear, to be honest it was not a colour that suited him.

P.S. Got there first Dave.


Leg End Member
If you ever get a chance to meet Dave7 in person do it, a great guy with a great family, thanks for the beer, coffee and grub guys.

You might wonder how I recognised him, we agreed before hand that he would have a pink carnation behind his left ear, to be honest it was not a colour that suited him.

P.S. Got there first Dave.
Was that all!
What did you use for Dave7 to recognise you?
If you ever get a chance to meet Dave7 in person do it, a great guy with a great family, thanks for the beer, coffee and grub guys.

You might wonder how I recognised him, we agreed before hand that he would have a pink carnation behind his left ear, to be honest it was not a colour that suited him.

P.S. Got there first Dave.

To be honest - base don "another thread" I am getting a bit worried about Dave's dress sense overall!
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