The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Guess what it's pouring down here :rain:

I am not very good at guessing, can you give me a clue please.
The Culcrieff one belongs to the Crieff Hydro hotel and is just 9 holes. The other one is the main one and has an 18 hole and a 9 hole course I think.

Waste of good space that could be used for better things

in my opinion - which is worth naff all

but at least it stops people building on the place - which "they" want to do on one of the golf clubs near me
and another one - that hasn;t been used for many years as the ground as found to be poisoned - seems to be eaten up by solar farms (if that is the right term???)


Legendary Member
Waste of good space that could be used for better things

in my opinion - which is worth naff all

but at least it stops people building on the place - which "they" want to do on one of the golf clubs near me
and another one - that hasn;t been used for many years as the ground as found to be poisoned - seems to be eaten up by solar farms (if that is the right term???)

I used to play that course regularly until they discovered it was poisoned and closed it down.


Waste of good space that could be used for better things

in my opinion - which is worth naff all

but at least it stops people building on the place - which "they" want to do on one of the golf clubs near me
and another one - that hasn;t been used for many years as the ground as found to be poisoned - seems to be eaten up by solar farms (if that is the right term???)

When I first moved to Poole in 1978 I worked at an Electrical Engineering company right in the centre of town. The site of the Gas works was also in the centre just a few hundred metres away. Over the years the land went for redevelopment and housing. The problem was that the land is poisoned with various nasties from the process works and the new houses came with a caveat about not growing crops in the gardens. I'm not sure if that is still in place.


Legendary Member
Damn, someone has pipped me for the lead in the week’s step challenge. I’ll need to get back out! :laugh:

View attachment 736764

I got left behind this week :sad:
When I first moved to Poole in 1978 I worked at an Electrical Engineering company right in the centre of town. The site of the Gas works was also in the centre just a few hundred metres away. Over the years the land went for redevelopment and housing. The problem was that the land is poisoned with various nasties from the process works and the new houses came with a caveat about not growing crops in the gardens. I'm not sure if that is still in place.

This golf course is at the back of our house
There is a stream that runs along the edge and at the bottom of a long slope - the people that used to play there tell of signs that were put all along the stream telling golfers NOT to get their balls if they went in the stream because the water was so contaminated

I believe that the stream was basically dug down to below the level of the poisons so it now runs clean
but for many years it was happily running into the Mersey - which explains a lot!

Our house is OK in case you were worried (Oh - OK - you weren;t - never mind!!!) as the reasons for the poison was a chemical dump from the local chemical factories and it ended at the stream
so we are OK
to a definition of OK anyway

"They" were doing up the course to re-open it in a safe manner plus a driving range - but that was 10 years ago (!) and there are still many lorries full of soil and stone coming and going every day

and the local councillors say they don't know what the current plans are

were were hoping the golf course would re-open
not to play golf (silly game) but because it would have a bar and be within walking distance even with my wife's breathing problems (a bar at the end of a walk alway encourages her!!!)

must write to them again and see if I get any better information!


Started young, and still going.
This golf course is at the back of our house
There is a stream that runs along the edge and at the bottom of a long slope - the people that used to play there tell of signs that were put all along the stream telling golfers NOT to get their balls if they went in the stream because the water was so contaminated

I believe that the stream was basically dug down to below the level of the poisons so it now runs clean
but for many years it was happily running into the Mersey - which explains a lot!

Our house is OK in case you were worried (Oh - OK - you weren;t - never mind!!!) as the reasons for the poison was a chemical dump from the local chemical factories and it ended at the stream
so we are OK
to a definition of OK anyway

"They" were doing up the course to re-open it in a safe manner plus a driving range - but that was 10 years ago (!) and there are still many lorries full of soil and stone coming and going every day

and the local councillors say they don't know what the current plans are

were were hoping the golf course would re-open
not to play golf (silly game) but because it would have a bar and be within walking distance even with my wife's breathing problems (a bar at the end of a walk alway encourages her!!!)

must write to them again and see if I get any better information!

You need to listen to this series of podcasts on BBC R4 to find out what ok is.
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