The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Bonjour from a very wet north Wales. It is chucking it down and even Molly doesn't want to go out to do her business.
She does her business inside, make certain she clears up after herself!


Legendary Member
Chuffing Hell.

When I quit the band I knew we had a gig on the horizon. There were no hard feelings from me so I said I'd cover that last gig, buy them a drink, shake their hands and be quietly on my way.

It seems they may have acted precipitously and engaged another bassist and the drummer in particular doesn't want me there.

That's fine, but they don't seem to comprehend that I own a fifth of the bands kit (mixer, PA, speaker, subs, lights, cables, all the rest of it) and if they want to bring in a replacement to a paid gig and let his use the kit that I part own then they should be buying me out first.

Now the kit is a few years old so is worth about 25 pence in the pound, which would work out at about what my replacement would have been paid for that gig so in essence he'd have to play for free.

They've done the maths, realised this and they're trying to guilt trip me, saying they'll have to cancel the gig...which brings us full circle as I said I'd play that last gig which means they wouldn't have had to cancel.

I've told them the choice is easy - if someone else wants to use the gear outside of the original 5 co-owners then that person needs to buy me out. I've told them I don't want cash but will accept a donation to the Epilepsy Society with some kind of receipt as proof, then they can do what they want with it.

As it stood I was going to cover the last gig then donate my share to a local youth band that we support and who we occasionally let use the gear to help them out, but that cuts no ice with them. But if someone wants to come in an earn a good pay day (£200) from using kit I part own then they're going to have to pay me. Dont expect to arrive wt the table and eat the meal I've paid for.

I've told them they either buy me out of let me play. If they dot and try to bring in a replacement I'll take it up with the MU.

This really is sheet I don't need. Either let me play as I'd offered, or buy me out and get someone else in. A simple, binary choice. It's doing my bleeding head in.


Legendary Member
Chuffing Hell.

When I quit the band I knew we had a gig on the horizon. There were no hard feelings from me so I said I'd cover that last gig, buy them a drink, shake their hands and be quietly on my way.

It seems they may have acted precipitously and engaged another bassist and the drummer in particular doesn't want me there.

That's fine, but they don't seem to comprehend that I own a fifth of the bands kit (mixer, PA, speaker, subs, lights, cables, all the rest of it) and if they want to bring in a replacement to a paid gig and let his use the kit that I part own then they should be buying me out first.

Now the kit is a few years old so is worth about 25 pence in the pound, which would work out at about what my replacement would have been paid for that gig so in essence he'd have to play for free.

They've done the maths, realised this and they're trying to guilt trip me, saying they'll have to cancel the gig...which brings us full circle as I said I'd play that last gig which means they wouldn't have had to cancel.

I've told them the choice is easy - if someone else wants to use the gear outside of the original 5 co-owners then that person needs to buy me out. I've told them I don't want cash but will accept a donation to the Epilepsy Society with some kind of receipt as proof, then they can do what they want with it.

As it stood I was going to cover the last gig then donate my share to a local youth band that we support and who we occasionally let use the gear to help them out, but that cuts no ice with them. But if someone wants to come in an earn a good pay day (£200) from using kit I part own then they're going to have to pay me. Dont expect to arrive wt the table and eat the meal I've paid for.

I've told them they either buy me out of let me play. If they dot and try to bring in a replacement I'll take it up with the MU.

This really is sheet I don't need. Either let me play as I'd offered, or buy me out and get someone else in. A simple, binary choice. It's doing my bleeding head in.

WoW.... sounds complicated.
Bridgport machines are a blast from the past. :laugh:

We kept a pair around because they weren’t automated. When the day came that the network was down or the CAD system acting up or the friggin moon phase wasn’t right you could always put an old guy on a Bridgeport and the work would get done.

and the young guys would stand by with their mouths hanging open asking: “how does he do that!”


Walked down to watch parkrun. The parking in the roads surrounding Upton House is restricted as there's a music festival being held in the grounds. Saw this which made me smile.


Legendary Member
Had another wander before lunch. I met a girl with her dog that lives in the next street and walked with her for a bit. She knows how introverted and social phobic I am, but she asked if I would like to attend the evening of her and John’s wedding. I think I said no almost before she had finished her sentence! I am actually getting worse the older I get. The very thought of attending makes me feel ill. :sad:
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