The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
It's Friday so having fish fingers chips and peas with tartar sauce
Been out for a little mtb ride, sun is warm but not so the wind, quite bracing at times !

I wonder how our local councillor is feeling today, as of last night he is now our local MP. As a councillor he seemed to have a great work life balance, he was always out and about posting photo’s and videos from his bike commutes, his local runs, his bus journeys. Now he’s going to be swapping all of that for the drudge of the Sunday/Friday commuting to London and all the awfulness of that place Mon-Fri. I hope he knows what he’s letting himself in for !


Following my appointment at the dentist this morning I decided on a little amble down the High Street and along the quay before cutting back up the Old Town and back to the Bus station. The level crossing gates were down so I had to haul myself over the footbridge over the railway line that crosses the High Street. There were a few boarding a boat for a harbour tour, or perhaps the " Jurassic Coast " tour which goes further afield, or maybe even the trip that takes you around the coast and up the river to Wareham if the tides are favourable. When I first started running back in the early 80's we'd meet up at a pre arranged spot on a Thursday evening, usually a pub car park. After a few months we were fortunate to be offered the use of the " Viking Club " on Poole Quay. Unfortunately it was on the top floor of the building and the final challenge after an evening run was to make our way up several flights of stairs. It's there that I met the lady who was to become Mrs Tkk 😎




As I headed back up the high street I spotted a Mural I'd not noticed before, now the chances are that it's been there for years and I just haven't " seen " it.


Legendary Member
Is summer 2024 going to be hot in the UK?

The Met Office predicts 2024 could be the hottest year on record, with temperatures potentially breaching the 1.5°C threshold. Imagine London's bustling streets as hot as some of the world's most renowned tropical destinations.
Someone got it wrong :rolleyes:
Two days ago my local paper said "it will be as hot as south Africa"'s winter there now.....geography wasn't his best subject !!!


Legendary Member
It’s been the coolest summer here for several years I think. Not complaining though as I am enjoying it.

Maybe we’ll get an Indian summer and have a gorgeous September :laugh:

I hope so or it's going to be a very, very long winter


If 6 Was 9
Morning folks its a grey old day here, feels like autumn :rolleyes:
Have been fixing my new 10 speed components which all appear to be working problems and theres a first!:laugh:
I did wonder if the chain is too slack, if i remove 2 links it could be too tight hmmm Pics are in top and bottom gears.
ps will cut of excess cable wire when i know its all tickety boo :okay:
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Your rear mech is on upside down........
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