The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Bit of tinkering to do in my workshop before we stroll down to the harbour to do our civic duty - not that I've got any real enthusiasm for any of the choices available.
Maybe we should start a new party.
The Apathy Party would get my vote - "We want change! When do we want it? Dunno....can't be arsed!"

I've quit the band. I hate myself for doing it and already regret it, but I have my reasons. Suffice to say I offered to compromise over the issue and the others weren't, so now they have 100% of nothing instead of 50% of what they wanted.

I still occasionally dep for two other bands, and hopefully it won't be long before I find another permanent band.



Legendary Member
Just going to vacuum then I'm going to spend an hour rehearsing what I want to play, and not the sheet that I had to play for the band.
Indeed. I lived maybe 2 miles from that.

I was closer - 1.3 miles according to Google Maps - just by the roundabout

Probably the first place I was allowed to ride to on my own when I was growing up - I was supposed to walk round the roundabout as it was so busy
Yeah - like that ever happened!!!

I found it was best to take the roundabout in the middle of the road as fast as possible - after all teenage boys are indestructible
although the technique I used was remarkably similar to "taking the lane" although I didn;t hear that term until about 50 years later!
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You mean to say it can actually get worse? :laugh:

Yes - but lets not go all "the other place"


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. I rode my Roubaix to the shop this morning ( 5 kms) to have front and rear gears adjusted. Will get it back tomorrow. I came back on the bus.
Mrs G did her duty and voted this morning although she didn't have a voting card, just the voting paper one usually gets. She was told half the country have not received the official voting card but she could vote by showing her driving licence as proof of ID.


Started young, and still going.
Bonjour. I rode my Roubaix to the shop this morning ( 5 kms) to have front and rear gears adjusted. Will get it back tomorrow. I came back on the bus.
Mrs G did her duty and voted this morning although she didn't have a voting card, just the voting paper one usually gets. She was told half the country have not received the official voting card but she could vote by showing her driving licence as proof of ID.

The polling card says on it that you don't need to take it to the polling station. It's just proof that you are eligible to vote.

Myself and MrsP have done our civic duty, we were also voting for a local councillor at the same time.
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