The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
I won’t tell him if give me a chip and a bit of batter
Have a whole batter!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have pinched a flathead screwdriver from Mr WD. I borrowed it, then gave it back to him and now I've got it back again. :laugh:
I have pinched a flathead screwdriver from Mr WD. I borrowed it, then gave it back to him and now I've got it back again. :laugh:

Is there no end to your madness!

I think the borrowing of something more substantial is now in order, perhaps a hammer or set of pliers.

I wouldn’t suggest a power tool just yet, we must work our way up to such things gradually.

or… you can do as Frau Fritz does… she simply instructs me as to which tool she needs used and expects me to use it.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Is there no end to your madness!

I think the borrowing of something more substantial is now in order, perhaps a hammer or set of pliers.

I wouldn’t suggest a power tool just yet, we must work our way up to such things gradually.

or… you can do as Frau Fritz does… she simply instructs me as to which tool she needs used and expects me to use it.

Power tools I tell Mr WD what to do. Hand tools I just pinch them. I always used to use the poor man's screwdriver IE a knife from the cutlery drawer. However these days I am rather more sophisticated.


Legendary Member
I didn't feel like much today so just had cheese and crackers, but I feel so tired, maybe I'm doing too much walking as I feel knacked when I get home and need a lie down, but don't really sleep and feel worse when I get up.

I struggle to eat anything most days but when my daughter made that meal I somehow chomped the lot.. ...I do feel better after that.
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