The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Up since about 8 ish
robot is happily hoovering and I am keeping an eye on its internal map of the room
apparently we have a lounge the size of a hall in the Palace of Versailles and of a shape designed by Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen while on a good dose of LSD
(not that I have a clue what that means!)

I think the internal systems that "map" out the room are lacking in some levels of accuracy
Large, spacious, L-shaped with large amounts of items giving no clear run for any length.


Legendary Member
:sun:up 25c here, had a nice breakfast, time for a walk


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Usual late Friday night shenanigans - so feeling a little tired tbh.

Miserable and damp day. Sod the planned bike ride, deferred to tomorrow, now.

Lazy day dossing and reading now on the cards followed by usual 'party for two' night tonight - we are definitely going down fighting with this retirement malarky... ^_^


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Short second walk done and just waiting on the Tour kicking off. Should be an interesting first stage with some hills.

I'm hoping Poj wins this year. Personally, I think the infamous motorcycle incident was a major turning point LY.

Obviously the TT was the coup de grace but the above was the game-changer for me.
Right - been out for some shopping

need bread and milk and fruit as we are having the oldest 2 grand kids this evening and overnight
youngest is staying at his "other Nan's" over night with his cousin - who is rather "difficult" - they are talking about AHD but he seems to us that he just needs someone to insist he does what he is told (I pick him up from school once or twice a week and he gets rather shocked when I insist on him wearing his seat belt properly - but does it when the consequences become clear!
The 2 of them get on really well but never stop running and stuff

anyway - apparently the 2 cousins are going to be sharing a bed
Yea Gods - bet she regrets THAT idea!!!
she actually has 2 spare beds - no clue why she doesn't want to put them in separate rooms!!

Oh - the parents are off to Liverpool - a new club is opening which is supposed to revive the atmosphere of the "Krazy House" where they met
Their Dad (my wife's son) was the bar manager there hen he was young and didn;t know about things like tax and National Insurance and pensions and generally being taken advantage of - but I am pretty damn sure his Mum will never find out about a lot of stuff that happened there

anyway - they met there so they are "reliving their youff" - bet they go home a lot earlier than they used to !!!


Watching the Tour after walking to meet Mrs Tkk as she walked back from Upton House parkrun.
Catching Covid meant I missed out on to todays visit to Durlston parkrun, it's one of the toughest but most scenic. Have to pop over in a week or two.






Legendary Member
Done walking very hot now 30c in the sun, no photos, but I did see an AC Cobra :wub:
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