The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Hair now cut so time for breakfast. Muesli this morning.

The sun is breaking through now.

Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: just back from a invigorating 30 miler, a headwind out and a tailwind back-certainly blew the cob webs :okay: Managed to kick my mirror of the other day when doing some maintenance ****er i said...i improvised and put it back on with clothes pegs and gaffer tape...Anyhoo a new one came through the post yesterday yay! dont like being without a mirror :okay:


Legendary Member
We have the oldest 2 grand kids over night

More complicated than usual because the 7 year old - who is a little bit autistic (plus other stuff) has gone from refusing to have any breakfast

to now having to have 2 sausages and 2 rashers of bacon (plus Ketchup - he isn;t that weird) every day

luckily we had some sausages in the freezer so defrosted them last night

the oldest decided she needed a sort of bacon sandwich with extra sausage as well

I am however, rather worried about her - she wanted it with BROWN sauce
I think it may be genetic because SWMBO has bacon and sausages sandwiches with brown sauce
but it is still just plain wrong

Still - never mind - after tonight we will be better off as we are very likely to win the Omaze house this time- been sending them money for MONTHS now so it MUST be our turn to win

not sure if we should move to Surrey or just go there for an extended holiday and sell it

certainly don;t wnat to win next month as the house looks horrible - all floor to ceiling windows and it's in London!!!!

anyway - better kick the kids into some clothes before the parents turn up and think they like coming here becsause I am soft on them

(actually they never put a foot out of line because we are quite strict - but do it differently and don;t shout)

maybe drag them out for a walk bear spotting
there are a lot of bears around here - often at the end of a lead with someone holding them
I generally ask the kids to check if might be a dog

the 7 year old is starting to get too old for that - but due to his problems he is still OK with it
their younger brother loves it - although he does worry about the bears at time

anyway - better stop woffling and get something done

If you Google it there was a law passed in 1758 that made it illegal to have anything BUT brown sauce on a bacon or sausage butty. That law has never been scrapped.
Red sauce was a hanging offence.


Legendary Member
I’ve got bacon in the fridge so might have a bacon sarnie.

Stuck the cycling on. Can‘t see it being as exciting as yesterday but you never know.
If you Google it there was a law passed in 1758 that made it illegal to have anything BUT brown sauce on a bacon or sausage butty. That law has never been scrapped.
Red sauce was a hanging offence.

That is wrong

in many ways

personally I think I ought to get tax relief for looking after someone who has brown sauce on bacon butties - surely it is a form of illness???
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