The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
On my ride this morning I came face to face with an Audiot.

Overtaking a line of parked cars on my side of the road I was almost past the lot when said Audiot coming the other way tried to barge through. We both stopped face to face, him gesticulating his disappointment thar I didn't simply take flight or vanish into thin air and let him past.

I coukd see he was a little runt so I stood to my full height, crossed my arms and flexed the guns (18" of prime British beef) and just started at him. He soon took the hint and backed up, the lady in the front seat looking embarrassed.

Just to really cheer my up I called him a d**khead as I rode past. Set me up nicely for a spot of lunch did that.
Afternoon all, it’s been mostly overcast here today, and with a cool wind too. Went for a wander, had a nice close view of a whitethroat and heard loads of willow warblers. The buttercups and grasses are looking good.


Legendary Member
Well, my new bike from Ribble has been given an ETA.

Website stated 2-4 weeks when I ordered. I've been given 27th July, which will be almost 6 weeks. If they'd said that up front I'd have probably gone elsewhere, but I'm stuck with it now.

Not a good start.

I have had 2 bikes from Ribble, both carbon frames.
I was happy with the bikes but thier service was was as though they couldn't care less.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
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