The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I've got to admit, I've never been abroad in my life and have no real desire to. Don't know why but it's just never really appealed to me.

Thank goodness there’s someone else. I sometimes feel like some sort of freak for never having been abroad either. :laugh:

Another walk done round the riverside trail. Really quite warm now. Never met any locals. Just visitors I think. When you have been doing a walk as long as I have, you are inclined to remember most of the local residents.


Thank goodness there’s someone else. I sometimes feel like some sort of freak for never having been abroad either. :laugh:

Another walk done round the riverside trail. Really quite warm now. Never met any locals. Just visitors I think. When you have been doing a walk as long as I have, you are inclined to remember most of the local residents.

If you ever fancy a trip back to the 1950's Mo there's always the Isle of Wight, and being an Island I suppose it is "Abroad" 😁


Mrs Tkk has just caused much amusement in the neighbourhood. We're both heading up to London at the weekend for ther BWC so she did a dry run in her outfit. Sparkly purple bike, purple " pedal pushers " with fitted purple jacket and a sparkly purple TuTu. Her ride coincided with the schools finishing for the day and she said she got lots of enthusiastic comments and toot toots and thumbs up from the motorists😎


Legendary Member
I presume not every plane has a tracker switched on? Can hear a light plane overhead just now but nothing showing up.

I just googled this out of interest, as it sometimes happens around here.

"There are a few reasons why your aircraft may not be shown. First, the aircraft may not be fitted with an ADS-B transponder, meaning it is not compatible with our receiver network. Second, if the aircraft is fitted with a Mode S transponder and not visible, it may be flying in areas with little or no MLAT coverage. Third, the aircraft might be flying outside of our network in areas where we have little or no ADS-B coverage. Fourth, the aircraft may be blocked in our system by the owner or operator"


Legendary Member
Before I get myself into trouble are were talking about visiting abroad or a broad?

Can't we visit a broad abroad ?


Started young, and still going.
My view from the dinner table tonight.
Not too shabby.
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