The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
The BBC want to invade my privacy again, I told them last year and the year before that yes and the one before that too
that I don't have a telly, but they still insist I do is again.
You tell the DVLA that you don't have a car any more and that is the end of it, so why is the BBC any differant
basically they are saying I'm lying, well they can go to hell, they'll have to send someone round, but I won't let them in, I did that two years ago
that should be enough.
Back from another excellent day out, this one with added sun ! Took the Speyside Way to Grantown then the Dava Way up over the moor in the direction of Moray. Had our sandwiches surrounded by curlews and bog cotton. Retraced back the same way calling in at Grantown for an ice cream. 14° but felt cool in the wind.




67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
The BBC want to invade my privacy again, I told them last year and the year before that yes and the one before that too
that I don't have a telly, but they still insist I do is again.
You tell the DVLA that you don't have a car any more and that is the end of it, so why is the BBC any differant
basically they are saying I'm lying, well they can go to hell, they'll have to send someone round, but I won't let them in, I did that two years ago
that should be enough.

Attaboy, we're right behind you.


I don’t remember him looking young👴👴. There are quite lot of past episodes.When there is nothing of interest we tend to find an episode we can’t remember
Wish they would bring it back.

Speaking of can't remember, I'm almost halfway through my current book and the story is starting to feel familiar. Usually it's a few pages before I realise I have previously read something.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Speaking of can't remember, I'm almost halfway through my current book and the story is starting to feel familiar. Usually it's a few pages before I realise I have previously read something.

Happens to me very occasionally and it really aggravates!

I usually spot a 'read before' like you, in the first page or three, often sooner.

There ought to be a name for this phenomena. Other than literary-de-jevue.


Happens to me very occasionally and it really aggravates!

I usually spot a 'read before' like you, in the first page or three, often sooner.

There ought to be a name for this phenomena. Other than literary-de-jevue.

It's not a run of the mill book either. I tend to pick up on a genre and read quite a few books in the genre until I feel I need to change. The one I'm reading is a Sci -Fi book by Cixin Liu and follows a very specific topic ( ball lightning ). That's what's so strange, to be so far in before the familiarity with the story arc becomes apparent.🤔


Just finished a bit of IKEA assembly therapy and am relaxing with a G+T before watching " Springwatch " later. It's chucking it down, windy and grey ( the last two of those attributes also apply to me ). Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow, it's " Second Friday " and we're heading off to Portland , or rather " The Royal Manor of Portland " Lunch has been booked at the Royal Portland Arms. We were going to book an outside table but erred on the side of caution.
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