The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
In Keswick, Cumbria today, taking Mrs BL on an "all our yesterdays" outing. We walked along Derwent Water lakeside, from Manesty to Keswick, had lunch, then, got the launch across the lake to High Bridlehowe, to walk back to Manesty. The launch was £13.75 EACH, and that was a "concession" price. Daylight robbery.

They made about £2.81 out of you, put it that way it does not seem expensive.
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Legendary Member
But shortly after that you will start to glow and feel all the better for the experience 👍

Don’t believe the glow bit You’ll just feel numb. Hyperthermia .Google the symptoms :laugh::laugh::laugh: :evil: :evil: :evil:


Legendary Member
This is light hearted chat, I didn't have to buy the service, I chose to, for personal reasons... but... how can you possibly know that, unless you are privy to their management accounts

I am, I was just trying to make you feel better about how much it costs. A half hour boat taxi I use often in Turkey is £2.50 we certainly are an expensive place to live and have fun.
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