The blizzard came and went, dumping 8 " of snow, and since the trees are still fully leaved, many, many branches were broken as well. Spent thge last couple of days gathering them in piles about pickup load size, busting branches, or cutting them with a buck saw, and the hard part, cutting down 4-5 hours worth with a pole saw. Don't have the upper body strength I once coldframes and hoop houses worked well to protect the 40 or so potted plants in the cold frames and the tomatoes, cukes and squash in the hoop houses. It was -3C for 2 nights so they worked well. I will make 5 trips or so to the balefill with the other hapless folks whose trees were trashed to drop off the branches today. Not all bad, as they will be made into compost and wood chips and thereby returned to the earth. Word has it we'll get another cold spell in 10 days and I sure hope it isn't another heavy wet snow event. These trees need to lose their leaves to survive that.
On a good note, my sheepherders wagon, parked under the crab apple tree got the snow and many branches, and apart from a roof spar bouncing out of its sockets no harm was done. Maybe tomorrow there will a bike ride instead of cleaning up.