Kev (or may I call you Tenkay

Am I correct in thinking you don't have a car?
Yes, that's correct but it is a bit of a tale.
Being born and brought up in Birmingham I never felt the need to own a car, the public transport was excellent and there was even an all night bus service.
I worked ( briefly ) at Longbridge " The Austin" as it was known colloquially, and must own up to lending a hand in the production of the masterpiece of design and engineering that was the Austin Allegro.
When I moved to Poole I met the future Mrs Tenkay, she did own a car but I was happy to either get a bus or more often than not, just run to places ( I had a small backpack with a towel, deodorant and a change of clothes )
I did learn to drive and passed my test but decided that it was not for me.
Mrs Tenkay never really enjoyed driving, it was just shopping trips and the occasional holiday. I'd either run or walk to work and Mrs Tenkay preferred to cycle, so when our daughter moved out last year we were happy to let her take the car, with a young daughter she had far more need for it than we did and that's how we became a no car family.
We tend to shop locally, if there's a bigger shop then Mrs Tenkay will take her Roberts with panniers, it's a bit heavy as it has a Rohloff hub but it is a reliable workhorse.
So, for us, it is working very well, there's always home deliveries should the need arise and we usually travel by train when we go on holiday ( and Poole is a ferry Port should we wish to visit La Belle France or further afield.)
Or, to put it more succinctly, Yes to both questions