The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
I like Soreen.
On it's own, or with some butter?


Legendary Member
Good afternoon all... Just had a nice bacon, fried egg and homegrown tomato sandwich for lunch :hungry:

Thanks kev for the reminder about taking the secateur's out, that's what I've been meaning to do for the last couple of weeks. The path I take the dog for a walk on is overgrown with brambles dangling at head height, ouch!
Being on an estate (even though we have a small country park at the back) 75% of our walks are on pavements. Some are so over grown it forces you to walk on the road. Yet they are out mowing the grass on the park every 2 weeks :wacko:


Casper WY USA
When I was in college my girlfriend and I would study hard for a while at night and then reward ourselves with a Coke or a candy bar or some other treat. We thought of this as being nice to ourselves. Reading Mo's mention of the mini Soreens made me recollect the practice of being nice to oneself and I think I need to do that more often....doesn't have to be a toothsome snack, but almost any deliberate act that has no practical purpose other than personal enjoyment. I tend to do things because I should, but in these grim times, perhaps more could be with the idea l want to. Many might be the same things with a different attitude.


Legendary Member
A Courgette question for you.
One of our neighbours gave us a home grown one.......must be a foot long.
What do we do with it (no rude answers if possible....... rude answers if not).
Neither of us fancy eating it and its certainly too big for one meal.


Active Member
Were it proper ale, t'would be served in leathern pots.



Started young, and still going.
A Courgette question for you.
One of our neighbours gave us a home grown one.......must be a foot long.
What do we do with it (no rude answers if possible....... rude answers if not).
Neither of us fancy eating it and its certainly too big for one meal.
View attachment 543073
You could slice it up, eat some now and freeze the rest


Active Member
A Courgette question for you.
One of our neighbours gave us a home grown one.......must be a foot long.
What do we do with it (no rude answers if possible....... rude answers if not).
Neither of us fancy eating it and its certainly too big for one meal.

Cut lengthwise or cross section one inch discs, remove seeds, fill with bolognese or similar, top with cheese, bake in oven, add boiled salad potatoes and a bottle of red. Lucky you, the slugs eat our plants in the wet spring.

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