The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
So I've had a quick skim through seem to have been well behaved today. As a reward I'll allow you all one treat tonight; beer, G&T, chocolate just don't over do it.....

Our walk started out very wet and windy but the decision was made. Full route. No short cuts. M/WTFU. We were rewarded, rain disappeared, wind dropped and the odd bit of sun. An excellent route.

Tubeless? @monkers tell Danni to persevere. If tyre was gashed nothing will work tubed or tubeless. I've ridden tubeless for 18 months with no problems.

Di2? Nope. This week has taught me it's a no! A friend lost all power last Saturday, problem solved today with a new battery, junction box and software up date. £60 labour with battery and junction box under warranty. 7 days without a bike. :eek::eek::eek:

Me last week. Popped in the LBS. "Change is a bit sloppy, can you have a look?"

"Mmmmm. Give us a minute"

"Think you need a new cable Paul. Can you hang on for 20 minutes? Want a coffee?"

"Cheers. What's the damage?"

"Call it a tenner. OK?
A tenner for a cable!
What material(s) is it made from?

Reply moved outside the quoted post in edit.
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£10, fitted, gears indexed, all nicely tuned up and coffee.



Good morning fellow retirees,

The wind has died down and it's looking calm out there.
Went for a walk yesterday evening and made a mental note to take my secateurs with me next time. There's been a growth spurt after all the recent rain and that's meant that errant brambles are hanging at head height in some locations along various paths.

Have a lovely peaceful day folks 🚴‍♀️🏊‍♂️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️


Legendary Member
Good morning all fellow retirees.
Rain forecast all day here. None at the moment but it is looking ominous.
Got up for a pee at 05.40 and decided to stay up. TBH the bed was calling loudly but S.O.T.S with a coffee is a bit of a ritual on Saturday morning.
A few 'bitty' things to do. The garage floor was repainted and ready to go. So, all my bike and golf junk is in the hall way. I am sure that if MrsD was feeling better I would have had serious earache by now but I mustn't push it.


Legendary Member
Morning. Short, breezy bimble done. I will enjoy my breakfast now.



Legendary Member
Morning all, bright and breezy here too.

Yesterday I saw a couple of swifts, so they haven’t completely left these parts just yet. The raspberries have mostly been and gone, and I noticed quite a few brambles black and not far off picking. Russet colours appearing in a number of places now.
After all the humid weather we have been having, I am actually looking forward to some fresher days with an autumnal nip in the air first thing.


Good morning. A sort of grey, damp, breezy, splashes of sun morning - make of that what you will.

Declined the offer of a ride today as I was nackered last night and didn't want to commit to getting out of bed. Why does 8.5 miles walking wear me out but 85 on a bike?? Weird. I know it's different muscles but all the same.

I will ride gently tomorrow and then two rest days before the BIG one on Wednesday.

I shall do stuff today. First is breakfast and then off to collect hops. I will probably clean the car. It's horrid right now which makes me unhappy. 😢 My wife says I'm sad, she's right 😄

Lots of other bits to tackle.


Well it is now hissing down! :rain::rain::rain:

Second :cuppa: is finished and time for porridge. Reading the paper I see Birmingham is potentially next for lockdown. I can't help but wonder if we have now reached the point whereby we just have to get on with life? I mentioned this yesterday while walking but got no response. So I guess I shouldn't think or say it.

Anyway this is NOT** the place for debate, just an old fart thinking out loud. Easy when you're retired.

** whoops just added that word to get the meaning right.
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