The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Where do you grow your fish ?
We will be on fresh crusty bread, cheese and celery.

We have a big big pond.:laugh: but it doesnt have any sea fish in it of course.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Forecast for here terrible with gales and rain. Set off for the MV Coruisk 0900 ferry home but got to the terminal as they were loading the 0800 Isle of Mull so got straight on. Calm crossing with no rain despite the forecast. Mask compliance was 99.9% among the foot passengers with mainly delivery drivers and a surprising number of tourists.
Followed the Coop lorry up the road who was baulked by a dozy tourist in front who did not pull over to let anything past. I was an hour earlier than expected so not in a rush and had what in CB jargon was the rocking chair and held back just enough and followed the brake lights of the lorry which is a relaxing way on these roads.
Got home and discovered the disadvantage of other people doing your shopping. They bought an approximation of the list I gave and missed out some things such as milk. I forgot to put tomatoes on but would have noticed if doing it myself.
Must be something nasty happening. A police car has just left the office with lights and siren going. Not common here.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
We’ve just had really torrential rain. It’s so unpredictable I’m not sure I fancy risking a walk.

Re the tubeless tyres, I have resisted as it sounds so much of a faff if it doesn’t seal. It’s been 3 years since my last visit anyway so I will take my chances with tubes and my trusty Rubino Pros or Schwalbe Ones.
Shush. Very dangerous to say things like that.


If 6 Was 9

The Fish and Chips at Ye Olde Kings Head was excellent and only £7.25. :hungry: :okay:
You’re comment about skin being waterproof reminded about an old cycling buddy he used to say the same thing We would all be caped up but not Bob

When I retired I was given a Blacks £ 100 voucher Back then I did a lot of hill walking.I used the voucher to buy a Gortex jacket I found I sweated as much as I did in my cheaper Reggata jacket I do wonder about the claims made about so called breathable garments.
Breathability has come on in leaps and bounds since the early versions of Goretex. I have a full strength Rab hill walking jacket in Event which is superb and also a lighter Rohan jacket which has astounded me by how light, waterproof and breathable it is. I was out for a 9 mile walk in out this morning, about 15 degrees, very wet at times, stayed completely dry and the only times I got sweaty were when the sun was out between the showers.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
View attachment 542852

The Fish and Chips at Ye Olde Kings Head was excellent and only £7.25. :hungry: :okay:
I can't stand mushy peas, and it takes me two days to digest fried fish like that, so, not for me.
By the way, we are just back from Cemaes Bay and had a very good time. We were lucky with the weather because it is changing for the worst now.
Our hotel was a stone throw from a lovely beach and it could have been Cornwall or Brittany. Very pretty area.
The kids loved it all although all the main attractions are in the south of the island but only 30 minutes away really.
Off to Lidl to restock on shopping now.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside

Oldest son, decided he wanted to "go to sea". At 18, after A levels, off he went, first voyage as a Deck Officer Cadet, on a BP Tanker, ship had to put into Gibraltar for repairs to deck equipment, after crossing Bay of Biscay in a storm.

It did not put him off, somewhere in North Sea at moment, on an Offshore Support Vessel.

I don't know where he got those genes from, ferry Dover/Calais is quite enough for me. ;)
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Breathability has come on in leaps and bounds since the early versions of Goretex. I have a full strength Rab hill walking jacket in Event which is superb and also a lighter Rohan jacket which has astounded me by how light, waterproof and breathable it is. I was out for a 9 mile walk in out this morning, about 15 degrees, very wet at times, stayed completely dry and the only times I got sweaty were when the sun was out between the showers.

Completely agree. I have an OMM "Kamleika" lightweight jacket that usually lives in my backpack. Together with a Ground Effect lightweight long sleeved merino base layer they cover almost all eventualities. Merino is an outstanding material, keeps you warm even when wet, can be worn for extended periods without ponging and is soft and comfortable.
If the house was on fire and I could only grab one thing it would be my merino top... Or perhaps my Brommie. hmmm, now that's got me thinking...


Breathability has come on in leaps and bounds since the early versions of Goretex. I have a full strength Rab hill walking jacket in Event which is superb and also a lighter Rohan jacket which has astounded me by how light, waterproof and breathable it is. I was out for a 9 mile walk in out this morning, about 15 degrees, very wet at times, stayed completely dry and the only times I got sweaty were when the sun was out between the showers.

I've got a Rohan cycling jacket, great bit of kit and the same colour as my Orange Brommie 😁
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