The Retirement Thread

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Oldest son, decided he wanted to "go to sea". At 18, after A levels, off he went, first voyage as a Deck Officer Cadet, on a BP Tanker, ship had to put into Gibraltar for repairs to deck equipment, after crossing Bay of Biscay in a storm.

It did not put him off, somewhere in North Sea at moment, on an Offshore Support Vessel.

I don't know where he got those genes from, ferry Dover/Calais is quite enough for me. ;)
Mrs F’s neice was the same, no family connection or previous interest in the sea whatsoever, she left school and out of the blue announced that she’d signed up for the Royal Navy. That was about 15 years ago, she’s had a terrific time with them.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It is doing something so that's better than nothing I suppose


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Which it always does, then you walk away and plead ignorance.:laugh:

Actually, to be totally accurate, and, honest... if/when it all goes horribly wrong, I normally have a good swear, at which point:

Mrs @BoldonLad:

- first makes some pointless remark, like "have you read the instructions"

- then, she reads the instructions, and calms my fevered brow

- I then do as I am instructed. ;)


Casper WY USA
There is a big fire in the Big Horn mountains 150 miles north. Air is dense with smoke from that fire and perhaps the ones in Colorado to the south. Like a fool went for my 20 yesterday but my eyes were stinging a bit. Won't do anything outside today that involves deep breathing, but there is some bike stuff to do, harvesting in the garden, the last touches on my sheep wagon and some inside stuff that then won't have to be done tomorrow when the air is supposed to be better. Knock on wood, our mountain and the one next door to it have been spared. Course, I could always go smoke some Goatheads.


So I've had a quick skim through seem to have been well behaved today. As a reward I'll allow you all one treat tonight; beer, G&T, chocolate just don't over do it.....

Our walk started out very wet and windy but the decision was made. Full route. No short cuts. M/WTFU. We were rewarded, rain disappeared, wind dropped and the odd bit of sun. An excellent route.

Tubeless? @monkers tell Danni to persevere. If tyre was gashed nothing will work tubed or tubeless. I've ridden tubeless for 18 months with no problems.

Di2? Nope. This week has taught me it's a no! A friend lost all power last Saturday, problem solved today with a new battery, junction box and software up date. £60 labour with battery and junction box under warranty. 7 days without a bike. :eek::eek::eek:

Me last week. Popped in the LBS. "Change is a bit sloppy, can you have a look?"

"Mmmmm. Give us a minute"

"Think you need a new cable Paul. Can you hang on for 20 minutes? Want a coffee?"

"Cheers. What's the damage?"

"Call it a tenner. OK?"
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