The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Last night was, without doubt, the windiest night we've ever had in the caravan! Constant high wind, with gusts up to around 50+ mph, and rain that sounded like someone was pressure washing the front of the van. Rock and roll. :eek:
Glad I wasn't towing in that, yesterday!
Managed to get a few hours sleep though. :okay:

Oh.........Yay, it's Fish Friday! :hungry::cheers:


Legendary Member
What outer clothing do you wear in this weather Mo.
I have a golf suit which is good and comfy. Plus a wide brimmed had.
God for walking but not for jogging though.
I've got a very lightweight Gore Shakedry jacket, but to be honest when it's warm enough I would rather just get wet than sweat under a jacket.


Well, well I went back to sleep for two hours. This is a good thing.

Blowing a gale and looking distinctly wettish outside. I shall prepar for our walk - picnic, coffee, pack rucksack - though expect walking to be cancelled as our friends are not keen on adverse conditions. The WhatsApp group will probably start pinging in an hour or so.

Not sure what to do if there's no walking

Have a good day everyone.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I found out what I was doing wrong with Linux. Nothing as it turned out accept the disc was for 64 bit and my laptop is 32 bit, so I have bought another disc. :laugh: hopefully this one will be better.👍

I will have a bash at it today as the weather is so rubbish.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all fellow retirees.
Very windy here as it seems to be over most of the country.
No bike riding today .
I shall be able to cut the grass though as it will be dry.
I was going to make omelettes this morning for breakfast, but the 4th egg I cracked into the bowl was rotten so that ended that idea. I haven't had a rotten egg for many many years, this one came from a friends chickens. All the others were fine.
Cereal for breakfast instead.


I've got a very lightweight Gore Shakedry jacket, but to be honest when it's warm enough I would rather just get wet than sweat under a jacket.

A lass after my own heart Mo. As long as it's not chilly then just a singlet and shorts if it's raining. My skin's waterproof and wearing more gear will just mean carrying more stuff that will eventually get sodden either from the inside or outside.
Goretex relies on the sweat vapour evaporating through the membrane and off the outer layer. Once the outer surface gets saturated it stops being effective.
On the subject of wet weather gear, last year I bought my first Gabba jacket and it was a revelation, I couldn’t believe how good it was at keeping me dry and shielded from wind chill but not overheating on the climbs. I now have two long sleeved Castelli Gabbas, for me these work well below 10 degrees. For below 14 degrees I have a couple of short sleeved versions from Stolen Goat, these don’t provide the full Gabba effect but at that temperature I find them a good compromise between protection and breathability.


Good morning.
The wind has been gale force yesterday and forecast to be here all day. Certainly wouldn’t like to be on the Holyhead to Dublin ferries today. xx(


Legendary Member
A lass after my own heart Mo. As long as it's not chilly then just a singlet and shorts if it's raining. My skin's waterproof and wearing more gear will just mean carrying more stuff that will eventually get sodden either from the inside or outside.
Goretex relies on the sweat vapour evaporating through the membrane and off the outer layer. Once the outer surface gets saturated it stops being effective.

You’re comment about skin being waterproof reminded about an old cycling buddy he used to say the same thing We would all be caped up but not Bob

When I retired I was given a Blacks £ 100 voucher Back then I did a lot of hill walking.I used the voucher to buy a Gortex jacket I found I sweated as much as I did in my cheaper Reggata jacket I do wonder about the claims made about so called breathable garments.
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