The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I actually know this bobby - he's an alright chap...

The ratchet in the handcuffs failed and wouldn't undo, so he had to make the walk of shame to Trumpton.


If 6 Was 9
Proper poy at last! :hungry: :okay:



Started young, and still going.
I have made a big saucepan of vegetable soup with stuff in the fridge that really needed to be used up. Very nice it is to.
I am listening to the radio and looking out of the kitchen door watching the rain as it falls constantly.
I think the rest of the day maybe a bit of a right off.


It's a Brummie Pie......:laugh:

Kipper Tie?

Ta very much, Milk and two lumps please...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Off early to park the car at the campsite, sorry lay-by, near Appin for a run on the cycle path with the trike. Only a couple of cyclists travelling but later lots of people on bikes. I like this path normally but going early is the only option for peace and quiet. I said campsite as that is what the lay-by resembled with people in dressing gowns wandering around. There are no toilets nearby either and none of them were motorhomes. Forgot to charge the bodycam so no record of number plates tho’ they were all English and had settled in for a staycation.
I took this pic of Castle Stalker and in the far distance Glensanda quarry which when permission was given was not going to be visible.


Casper WY USA
Quite proud of myself.....not long ago I ordered 2 500 gram tubs of Marmite and now there might be 1/2 inch left in the first
Pretty sure I'll be making the 800 mile trip down to Albuquerque fairly soon as I will need to be there for my step sister. I expect when my brother in law dies in the near future she will be in need of TLC. They've been together since 1962. I'll have to fit this in with my first grandchild who is due first week of October, and helping my wife who is struggling with metatastic breast cancer. The meds she is on now are kicking her butt, but she tries her best. Next step for her if/when these meds don't work is full blown chemo.
Thankfully I get in a good dose of bike medicine most days which gives me a break from worrying. A couple of hours on the bike is a great distraction.
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