The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Like Mo I noticed yesterday that the swallows are beginning to gather on the phone lines. Definite signs of autumn.
Had to shift the wheelie bins from the detested holiday house to get my car out this morning. When I came back somebody was at the gate which I had blocked and I remarked that there would only be the recycling bin lifted today so no need for all of them as they would not be emptied for at least another 3 weeks. Transpired that they had separated everything into different bins but I suspect only one would be emptied. We had a fairly friendly chat and they have no idea as there is no information left regarding anything. Seems to be a case of take the money and do nothing in return like download and print out a timetable for rubbish removal.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Update !!!!!
Got through to the Docs.
After much arguing I have a triage phone appointment "sometimes this morning".
They did NOT want to do it and insisted I do it online. I said "get me on the list or I will phone 999".
At that point she kindly agreed to put me on the list.
I have been with that surgery maybe 40 years and have to fight like this.......Covid or not I think its a discrace.

Similar to mrs @BoldonLad experience. “Thank you NHS”, my a*se, pathetic organization IMHO.

Deleted member 1258

I've swept and mopped the lounge, hall kitchen and bathroom, having a :cuppa: before vacuuming the bedrooms and stairs then changing the bed. With not cycling this morning I'm doing the chores so tomorrow is clear for a bike ride.


Morning all . Not sure if it’s tomorrow, today or yesterday but who cares lol . Glad it’s cooler today but I am not feeling the cycling love enough to get my bike out . Two reasons, firstly I am suffering after sailing yesterday, it’s just so uncomfortable when there is very little wind . Secondly it looks like it could rain and I HATE cycling in the rain . I spent to many years having to do it to commute to work to ever want to do it voluntarily. The funny thing is I don’t mind sailing in the rain . Have a good day everyone


Legendary Member
Update !!!!
Spoke to the Doc. She says it ticks the boxes for Covid 'after affects' but obviously will not commit.
She has arranged for a blood test. I pick up the form tomorrow, go for the bloods tomorrow and then a 2 week wait.
Nice to think I could get a ride in this summer^_^
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