The Retirement Thread

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So I eight minutes early at the meet point. This is unheard of. Now hanging around waiting for people. It's brightening up.


Legendary Member
Update !!!!!
Got through to the Docs.
After much arguing I have a triage phone appointment "sometimes this morning".
They did NOT want to do it and insisted I do it online. I said "get me on the list or I will phone 999".
At that point she kindly agreed to put me on the list.
I have been with that surgery maybe 40 years and have to fight like this.......Covid or not I think its a discrace.

Deleted member 1258

Update !!!!!
Got through to the Docs.
After much arguing I have a triage phone appointment "sometimes this morning".
They did NOT want to do it and insisted I do it online. I said "get me on the list or I will phone 999".
At that point she kindly agreed to put me on the list.
I have been with that surgery maybe 40 years and have to fight like this.......Covid or not I think its a discrace.

Unfortunately its the way with a lot of doctors these days, I've had some serious fights with my Good ladies doctor trying to get her the treatment she needs :sad:. It shouldn't be that way but it is.


Legendary Member
I see it's forecast to come on here at some point too...........depending on which forecast I go by it could be anytime from an hour to four hours away :laugh:

Deleted member 1258

I was about to put some rubbish out, but I spotted this fella sat on the top of the bin so it can wait a while.

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