The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
We has :rain: :sad:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but overcast with no wind. My get up and go however had a long lie and very little done except mooch around. Did find the source of my trike problem tho' and fixed it. Axle bolt not tight enough.
Been chasing a fly around inside the house for a couple of days now but is obviously an intelligent one. Approach without noticing it and it just sits there but reach gently to get a swatter and it is off again into hiding. Don't like using a spray but even that cannot get it. Point the can in it's direction and it is off again. Not seen it for a couple of hours so mebbe zonked it at last.


It's thick and chutney like. Couple of jars of gooseberry gin for good measure....

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