The Retirement Thread

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Good day to those of mature years. 'Tis grey, cool, 16C and still. My eldest is on his way over for around 10.00am for a ride. Once we get home I'm not entirely sure what the rest of the day will bring. I do need to harvest various types of bean for the freezer.


Legendary Member
Morning all....Didn't get to see the Red Arrows yesterday as it was cancelled, so I painted my front door instead, can thoroughly recommend Benjamin & Moore's paint, superb.
No Sunday ride for me, the old dodgy knee is playing up, think I've inherited Dickyknee's old ones :smile:
Have a good day folks! 🌈
Morning all....Didn't get to see the Red Arrows yesterday as it was cancelled, so I painted my front door instead, can thoroughly recommend Benjamin & Moore's paint, superb.
No Sunday ride for me, the old dodgy knee is playing up, think I've inherited Dickyknee's old ones :smile:
Have a good day folks! 🌈

Same here! I found an old tin of Gold Hammerite in the garage which was ideal for ye olde fronte door



A few photo's from yesterdays jaunt, following Mrs Tenkay's tumble ( too shallow an angle going up a low kerb ) I can report that the bike is ok :whistle:
I'd just like to point out that I wasn't the one responsible for navigation...







Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another nice day so up early and grabbed a banana and a drink of water before heading out. Have to go early to avoid the mobs heading for the beach today but still a couple of local cars whizzing around. Cannot think where they are going before 7 oclock on a Sunday as everything is still shut.
Noticed a granite marker post largely obscured by vegetation which I must get back to for a pic. Roadworks are starting here tomorrow but should not interfere with it. Not somewhere I could stop safely with the trike so will have to walk as it is a narrow section but this will have to wait for a couple of weeks.
My neighbour has a shrub in the front garden which has got rather tall and is catching his Latvian flag and Saltire with a west wind. His wife is Latvian. There are quite a few Latvian females here. They probably came for summer jobs and somehow never got round to going back except for holidays with their partners and children. The shrub and flags are not directly in front of me so no problem but the shrub infringes on the next door garden. Just as well we all seem to rub along together ok.


Legendary Member
Good morning.
Well that fatigue came back big style yesterday. I was back in bed by 09.30. Up at mid day then back in bed by about 1400.
Bad today. Whole body shaking, pouring sweat and weak. I managed to get down stairs on my bum.
I will try the Doctor again tomorrow, see if I have better luck. I have only paid into the NHS for 58 years so I may be expecting too much :wacko:
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