The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Spotted this near the Whitworth Gallery, Manchester on a newish segregated cycle lane inbound for the city centre. What a great idea for educating people about the value of proper cycling infrastructure. A bit tricky to see but 891 cyclists went by today towards the city centre

The one on the other side showed 182 journeys for today so possibly around 700 people still to commute out towards home.

The total number of cyclists who passed this year is 351,000 to date.

View attachment 483935
Saw something similar on Cheetam Hill Road a few years ago.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just back from a bimble. It looked like it was going to rain so I cut it short to just 10 miles. Looks like the farmers have managed to get a 2nd cut of the grass.

And they have cut the hedges as well.



Leg End Member


Leg End Member
Yeah. Sounds good.
It'll get it home!
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