The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Gooooood morning. I am first today. :wahhey: :hello:
2nd! :laugh:


Legendary Member
I have managed to get one eye open, the other should follow shortly when the coffee kicks in.
A ride is planned at 1100 so I will have breckie about 1000 (maybe a bowl of porridge).
The 2 gardens need mowing. Stuff needs pruning but that can wait till the morrow.
I may take a leaf out of Dirks book and have a pub meal later, we shall see.


Oh yes. Outside it's sort of grey, warm, still and a bit muggy.


Spotted this near the Whitworth Gallery, Manchester on a newish segregated cycle lane inbound for the city centre. What a great idea for educating people about the value of proper cycling infrastructure. A bit tricky to see but 891 cyclists went by today towards the city centre

The one on the other side showed 182 journeys for today so possibly around 700 people still to commute out towards home.

The total number of cyclists who passed this year is 351,000 to date.



Legendary Member
Probably will watch parts of it but I don't rate the ToB highly to be honest. It just cannot compare with the Grand Tours. Not in the same league.
Why do you say that? Is it because it doesn't attract the best riders? (There are some top riders in this race)
I was wondering.......with the Vuelta going on how do riders decide which one to go for? Do they eg think "i have no chance of winning A so I will go for B?
I enjoy the tdf and the Vuelta for the staggering scenery but am really looking forward to some of the ToB......particularly Wednesday as its my old home area, the Wirral


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Why do you say that? Is it because it doesn't attract the best riders?
I was wondering.......with the Vuelta going on how do riders decide which one to go for? Do they eg think "i have no chance of winning A so I will go for B?
I enjoy the tdf and the Vuelta for the staggering scenery but am really looking forward to some of the ToB......particularly Wednesday as its my old home area, the Wirral
It is only one week long and all over the place. Yes it has short steep climbs but nothing like the Pyrenees or the Alps for stamina and endurance over three weeks. I went to see it at the finish 2 or 3 years ago in Llanberis and enjoyed the moment but it still doesn't do it for me as much as the others.
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