The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am shorter than you lot. :laugh:


Morning all YAH's. A day of domestics, and when the rain comes a trip to the art shop to stock up on bits.

I think I must have been about 12 when I was 69kg, still trying to get down from 90kg to 80kg, then I'll be what I weighed when I was 30 :smile:

That sounds like a good target to me. I'm sure you'll get there. I was 88kg three years ago and boy did I look it. Thing is I only realised this when I came across a photo of me in my cycling kit.

My advice would be. Drink 2-3 litres of water per day - hungry feeling is often dehydration. Reduce coffee to two cups a day. Understand the fuel your body needs - reducing calories is not necessarily a good thing as the body can try to retain more. Eat foods which provide the correct fuel for your life. A 1-2lb week loss is good - slow and steady.

I'm now 76kg down from 120+ 5 years ago.
I'm now lighter at 58 than when I left school.
You should weigh at the same time of day once a week or fortnight to get accurate readings as you can be 1 or 2 kg different day to day due to fluid retention depending on what you've eaten or how much you've drunk, even extra exercise can make you hold on to fluid to help repair muscles so don't worry if you don't appear to have lost one week

Excellent result and advice. I weigh in every Wednesday after getting up and before eating or drinking. I do weigh at other times such as after a ride but don't take much notice of those results.

I'm part of an informal weight loss group in our cycle club. About 12 of us confess our weight every Wednesday.


Legendary Member
I'm 5'6" and personally I feel very good about being 69kg. I only get concerned about fat round the waist which medically is the most dangerous. I'm not keen on man boobs either.

If I lose more I look a bit gaunt and tend towards getting saggy skin. What I call old man's skin. TBH weight is a vanity thing for me as I want to look as good as possible for my age. Found a photo 20 years ago that I thought was my Dad. It wasn't! That wouldn't happen today.
Welshie was telling me that she weighed herself last week wearing nothing but her bloomers. She was 70 Kg. She took her bloomers off and tried again, she was only 55 Kg.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Welshie was telling me that she weighed herself last week wearing nothing but her bloomers. She was 70 Kg. She took her bloomers off and tried again, she was only 55 Kg.



Leg End Member
Good morning. Another good sleep, pretty much eight hours straight though I was half awake for a while round 4.00am.

Mrs P's birthday. She is asleep but this is normal. It's wet and windy so we're going to the Whitworth Gallery, Manchester for the Cezanne exhibition and lunch.

New scales are good. Full title is Body Composition Monitor - whooooo! It measures fat, BMI, visceral fat and weight. Normally I'm sceptical about such claims but these are made by Omron, huge supplier to the NHS.

Easy to test for accuracy and a jug holding 2.5 litres of water accurately read 2.5kg. The old scales wouldn't register low weight so impossible to check. Last night 1kg difference in reading, this morning 0.6kg between the two scales. I like my new toy.

New weight is 69kg which is a drop of +/- 1.5kg from the old scales. :smile:
How much of that there weight was fat?
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