The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all YAH's. A day of domestics, and when the rain comes a trip to the art shop to stock up on bits.

I think I must have been about 12 when I was 69kg, still trying to get down from 90kg to 80kg, then I'll be what I weighed when I was 30 :smile:
It suppose it depends how tall you are.
I am somewhere around 70 Kg but I am just under 5' 7". I could do with losing a few Kg.


Legendary Member
From M&S I'd expect chicken that hadn't been knocked about! :laugh:
Very good that, for first thing in the morning ^_^


Well-Known Member
I think I must have been about 12 when I was 69kg, still trying to get down from 90kg to 80kg, then I'll be what I weighed when I was 30 :smile:

I'm now 76kg down from 120+ 5 years ago.
I'm now lighter at 58 than when I left school.
You should weigh at the same time of day once a week or fortnight to get accurate readings as you can be 1 or 2 kg different day to day due to fluid retention depending on what you've eaten or how much you've drunk, even extra exercise can make you hold on to fluid to help repair muscles so don't worry if you don't appear to have lost one week


Legendary Member
I'm now 76kg down from 120+ 5 years ago.
I'm now lighter at 58 than when I left school.
You should weigh at the same time of day once a week or fortnight to get accurate readings as you can be 1 or 2 kg different day to day due to fluid retention depending on what you've eaten or how much you've drunk, even extra exercise can make you hold on to fluid to help repair muscles so don't worry if you don't appear to have lost one week

Wow, you've done really well, I had to google 120kg to put it in perspective, that's nearly 19 stone :notworthy:

BTW dave I'm 5'10"


Legendary Member
I see @Dave7 is talking about my bloomers again in another part of the forum. Your gonna make people jealous. :laugh:

They're using them for all sorts now! Lol.


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
They're using them for all sorts now! Lol.

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It suppose it depends how tall you are.
I am somewhere around 70 Kg but I am just under 5' 7". I could do with losing a few Kg.

I'm 5'6" and personally I feel very good about being 69kg. I only get concerned about fat round the waist which medically is the most dangerous. I'm not keen on man boobs either.

If I lose more I look a bit gaunt and tend towards getting saggy skin. What I call old man's skin. TBH weight is a vanity thing for me as I want to look as good as possible for my age. Found a photo 20 years ago that I thought was my Dad. It wasn't! That wouldn't happen today.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Good morning people. Up early this morning, been to lidl, walked the dog and now wondering what to do next as no one to talk to. My wife arrived safely in Oz but is suffering from jet lag and it is her birthday today! It is the first time since 1985 that we won't be celebrating together. I am sure her sister will treat her well.
I might go and see my son this afternoon. It can be lonely on your own, at least I have the dog but she doesn't say much. Cup of coffee now?

Deleted member 1258

I'm 5'6" and personally I feel very good about being 69kg. I only get concerned about fat round the waist which medically is the most dangerous. I'm not keen on man boobs either.

If I lose more I look a bit gaunt and tend towards getting saggy skin. What I call old man's skin. TBH weight is a vanity thing for me as I want to look as good as possible for my age. Found a photo 20 years ago that I thought was my Dad. It wasn't! That wouldn't happen today.

You're the same height as me, I'm 11 stone, which is a good cycling weight for me, lighter I loose power, heavier and the weight starts slowing me down.
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