The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Voice almost gone...nose snotted up...Y fronts straining...
This place was overlooked by the advent of the 21st century. I've had several minutes of phone and Internet for the last 7 days. Orange finally sent a man to tinker with the cable from the pole. So confident was he on completion of the work that he left me his number to ring if it went down again.
Difficult to phone someone when your phone don't work. So I have my 2 Mbs connection back and am able to watch YouTube vids at 720p with just occasional buffering. I really don't miss the fibre connection I used in blighty, honestly:whistle:


If 6 Was 9
Settling in for the evening with a couple of decent beers and a bit of light reading; Hawking's - 'A brief history of time' .
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