The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Also autumnal here.
A slack day after so much activity yesterday.... all that football, golf and cycling on tv.
Breckie will be fresh fruit eg nectarine, apple, strawbobs and nana with yogurt.
Its bed changing day, my favourite job :blush: I swear that bl**dy duvet is alive!!
Rain heading this way later.....I will save my ride till tomorrow


Legendary Member
Good morning, everyone. Had a great few days recently, the usual merry-go-round of mucking about with terrible cars, and buying the pinkest possible flame red Vauxhall Astra in Britain. Yesterday though was Cholmondely (Cholmondely?) Castle classic car show, so I took the Jag.
It repaid me by doing what old British cars do, mostly by some of the water deciding it shouldn't be in the radiator any longer, thus escaping from a hole, but also 'rewarding' my wallet with this MPG figure in the queue on the way in...


I think I might cry now.


Legendary Member
Feeling a bit crap and fluey again today. Just had a eureka moment, and it turns out that is one of the side effects of amitriptyline. Oh joy.

@Cavalol, many moons ago my brother had an XJ40 shape 3.6. Nothing worked, and one day the dash display decided to go south as well. I offered to take a look, and sure enough dismantling and resoldering the circuit board behind the instruments caused everything to spring back to life. For the first time since he owned the car everything worked, although neither of us quite understood what a great job I'd done.

He came to collect it, and was driving home, merrily stabbing buttons and rejoicing in having stuff miraculously happen. Unfortunately, the cruise control was now among one of those things that miraculously now worked and he inadvertently set it to about 60mph. If course, he didnt realise this and when he lifted off to slow down for a roundabout about the car merrily carried on as before. Not realising the cause and not having time to react he had no choice but the grip the seat with his buttocks and get across the roundabout about at 60, which he managed, probably on 2 wheels. I got a right sheety phone call off him once he arrived home!
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Leg End Member
Good morning, everyone. Had a great few days recently, the usual merry-go-round of mucking about with terrible cars, and buying the pinkest possible flame red Vauxhall Astra in Britain. Yesterday though was Cholmondely (Cholmondely?) Castle classic car show, so I took the Jag.
It repaid me by doing what old British cars do, mostly by some of the water deciding it shouldn't be in the radiator any longer, thus escaping from a hole, but also 'rewarding' my wallet with this MPG figure in the queue on the way in...

View attachment 483124

I think I might cry now.
Did tha not try the egg.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
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