The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
Morning all, MrsP is off to work shortly, I will be out with the dog shortly and will stop at the cafe on the way for a bacon sandwich and a mug of tea.
A few domestic things to do and then maybe a pint or two in the Mitre at lunchtime. Anyone else watching the tour during Yorkshire? I shall spend the afternoon watching and then I shall cook up some gastronomic dish for tea tonight. That seems to be my day planned^_^


Legendary Member
Good morning. It is Bank Holiday weekend so the weather is sh*te. Very misty, and lots of rain. :laugh:. Have a good one folks. :hello:

Weather is predictable as its a bank holiday and getting cold :angry:


Legendary Member
Morning all .
I need a coffee:blush:. I take a herbal anti cancer medication (Esiac) first thing each day and must wait a short while before eating/drinking anything.
Off to a funeral this morning. Our neighbours for many years had 4 sons. Eventually the dad died (he was a heavy smoker tbf) the lads all moved on and the the mum sold the house. Now she has died. Funerals are always sad but I hope to chat with the lads afterwards.
Then we will see what the afternoon brings.


If 6 Was 9
Mornin' all.:hello:
Doggie walking on the beach first thing.
Back home to sort out a new contract with Plusnet; shouldn't take long as their customer service is very good, I've found.
Long way around walk down to the village for lunch and our usual Friday lunchtime Grockle watch from inside the George. Should be a busy one today as it's Bank Holiday.:smile:
Will report back later on rate of Grockle ingress. :okay:
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