The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
:laugh:. I understand the village wasn't hooked up to mains water until the 60's.

Bet they stunk in the village before then :laugh:


Legendary Member
They didn't offer us anything

Having never had the pleasure of dealing with them that surprises me.
As we have seen on here there is normally some kind of negotiation and the possibility to obtain some sort of deal.
Sky certainly appear very arrogant in their attitude towards customers.
It would be interesting if they were to start losing customers in their droves


Leg End Member
Well I'm feeling listless.

Only thingsthat need doing are the insurance claim for our cancelled Vietnam/Cambodia trip - last of the medical paperwork arrived yesterday. Also have to start looking for car insurance. LV's renewal price of £323 for both cars looks good - I'm wondering if finding something substantially cheaper is likely???

I need to prepare an area for sweet peas...........
How deep is the area for planting?


Leg End Member
Hard to believe. We have two cars on the same policy, renewal is May 15th. Insurers wrote asking me to ring as they couldn't automatically generate a quote. This is because my licence is revoked following illness.

Phoned and I can't have cover as I don't have a licence. So now Mrs P has two cars insured in her name. The cost has gone up because only one person is covered. Why? The agent said it's because if we are both on the policy it's likely we will be in the car together and two pairs of eyes are better than one!!!

I got no reply when I pointed out the risk reduces by 50% as we can only drive one car at a time. :laugh:
You could be distracting the driver of the vehicle they are in charge of though.
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