The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
They are all a load of money grabbing sh*ts.
Mine went up 50% this year so I phoned them up. Reply was, sorry thats our best offer :blush:.
I went online and got it for LESS than last years.

They must work on a theory that people wont question policies and in some cases get away with the increases.
I always do a bit of research often via their website and put in our details as new customers.
I then phone them and challenge the renewal costs quoting the cost. It is surprising how often I get a substantial reduction or the price offered to a new customer.
If they get clever I will say I will either go to a competitor or just cancel and then I will apply as a new customer.
Its annoying you have to do that when they come out with the c##p about highly valued customers etc.


They are all a load of money grabbing sh*ts.
Mine went up 50% this year so I phoned them up. Reply was, sorry thats our best offer :blush:.
I went online and got it for LESS than last years.

Last year the best deal was both cars on one policy. This year if we put the cars on separate policies without me it's cheaper BUT we don't know how much the cost will go up when I'm added in August.

Sticking with our existing insurer we at least know the cost won't increase further when I'm added.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I would always advise people to never accept renewal prices. Always go to comparison sites or Brokers to see what is on offer and that goes for your csr insurande, house insurance, broadband, electricity, gas and anything else. In the last 18 months i have saved around £2000 either by changing insurers/suppliers and or getting rid of things like Sky.


@welsh dragon completely agree with you on not accepting the renewal price. I never do and it works. This is the first year our energy cost has gone up for five years. On the cars we are in an impossible position as it's clear the insurer and the comparison sites can check with DVLA and then refuse cover as I don't have a licence!! As we have to insure both cars we are sticking with the devil we know.

I think a lot of companies are finally getting smarter about customer retention. We got £100 from our energy supplier for renewing and they were only £20 more per annum than the best price.

Ditching BT alone has saved us £552 this year!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
@welsh dragon completely agree with you on not accepting the renewal price. I never do and it works. This is the first year our energy cost has gone up for five years. On the cars we are in an impossible position as it's clear the insurer and the comparison sites can check with DVLA and then refuse cover as I don't have a licence!! As we have to insure both cars we are sticking with the devil we know.

I think a lot of companies are finally getting smarter about customer retention. We got £100 from our energy supplier for renewing and they were only £20 more per annum than the best price.

Ditching BT alone has saved us £552 this year!

I am tied into BT until January 2020. After that i will be going onto the comparison site to find a better deal. I had to go with BT, as fibre broadband has only just arrived in our area and they had to hook us up to it.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
@welsh dragon we got a very good deal from Sky - £25/month all in.

That is good. I just had enough of sky. Always taking more and more money, while offering new customers TV's, lower prices etc.


Legendary Member
I had sky for about 25 years, but all there is now are repeats and repeats of the repeats, rhen the repeats go onto another channel and start all over again sp i got rid of it. I have Amazon prime and get the TV with it.

Only pay for a tv licence.......grudgingly.
Refuse to pay for any other tv channels.
Cant be bothered wasting time sat in front of the tv, far more better things to do in life
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