The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Mo clearly speaks from experience of frilly knickers :laugh:

......and your experiences? :laugh:


Legendary Member
Another person from the Pain Clinic has just been on the phone to talk about my 9am appointment, I said somebody had just called and changed it already, this person said technical difficulties, the first one said somebody off sick. At this rate I will probable get a letter saying I am pregnant, it really has been a farce and a good job I can smile about it.


Again with the frilly knickers?


Leg End Member
Morning all.
Grey sky and light rain here. Shame really as I am playing golf at a dead dead dead posh place . Its Portals championship course out towards Chester AND its a freebie.
I was going to invite @classic33 but the course rules state "no person known to be a disruptive influence or who is likely to cause explosions on the course".
I did invite @welsh dragon but she hasn't responded (I wonder why?).
I was at this place a few years ago and I recall the beer was a crazy over £6.00 a pint. Playing with peopke I know so it should be a good day.
Enjoy your day peeps.
Their 19th hole is lousy. Even Dirk would walk out.


Leg End Member
@screenman good luck at the clinic.

Good morning everyone. Grey and miserable here. Having a quick brew, chocolate biscuit and hopefully back to sleep next.

Yesterday following weeks of confusing discussion the DVLA finally confirmed my driving licence is revoked from the day of my operation. Oddly the letter gives the date of revoking as 27/041 but then explains the driving ban is from 01/02!!!! 2 Even odder is the reason my licence is revoked is because I had a drain inserted in my skull, no mention of the brain haemorrage!!!!!

I can apply for a new licence on June 8th and drive from August 1st.
1.They can't pre-date or back-date such letters.

2. Last siezure/fit/episode/call it what you want?

Ignore the last two dates, they're not targets to aim for. Get yourself right first, No Date(s).

Enjoy the WI.
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