My lad has just WhatsApped the family group as his plane took off for LA. Only 24 hour delay which given the circumstances isn't bad.
The reaction to the LHR problem is beyond hysterical. People need to get a grip. The BBC, who I usually strongly support, are being utterly ridiculous in their effort to turn this into a national disgrace. LHR uses enough power to supply a small city. Do we need to build them a spare power station?
The LHR CEO was on the Beeb this morning. He pointed out it's like a motorway crash, sometimes closure is the only option. The M6 around Preston is frequently closed and often subject to delays up to 60 minutes. I don't hear anyone calling for a spare motorway just in case things go badly.......
Rant over. 🤣
I agree
it is a risk v. effect calculation
If Heathrow asked the government for millions to build a new sub-station there would be an outcry
basically - I can;t remember a substation blowing up like that - ever before
so the chances of it happening are so remote that it is not worth investing in a Plan B
What the did do was invest in backup for the safety critical systems
so no-one died and no-one was likely to die
so air traffic control as operational to the level is needed to be
people could be evacuated if necessary
so - appropriate investment based on the risks of it happening
WHich reminds me - I must cancel the house insurance for if an asteroid hit the house