The men's dress style thread..

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I found a bargain in a charity shop this aft'! A brand new (with tags attached) Viyella brushed cotton, tattersall shirt for £4.50. I looked it up online how much they sell for, while in the shop. A hundred quid shirt for £4.50 is a bargain, I'd say!!!

It's a perfect fit as well. The arms are long enough, which isn't always the case and the collar fits perfectly around my neck when buttoned, so I can wear it with a tie and not have to wear a cravat to fill the gap between collar and neck.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've found a use for the steam cleaner I bought the other month. It's useless at steam cleaning my car seats etc, but I used it today to steam the brim of one of my fedora hats so I could bend it back into place.:okay:
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I had a nasty experience outside the local Tesco a couple of hours ago. A well know 'not wired up right', cannabis abuser went all paranoid on me. He got right in my face, saying I'd been 'bad mouthing him'. He's acted like this to others, with one bloke knocking him out the other month and receiving a £500 fine and a criminal record for his troubles. Anyway, Mr dope head paranoid said I was a ~#@r who thinks he is something, by wearing!t 1950's clothes. This coming from a skank wearing chavvy, cheap clothing.:rolleyes: The security guard saw him off and banned the idiot to boot!:okay: The number of folk who saw/heard it all and then came up to me to offer support was very nice! 'Take no notice of him sir, he's probably jealous" was one of those comments. Ah well, I suppose when you dress in a some might say quirky, even eccentric way you have to expect the riff raff to take it the wrong way!:rolleyes:


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Has this thread gone far enough now?
Your commentary on others’ choice of what to wear is bizarre, haughty and narcissistic.
Why do you get off on targeting the poor, the incontinent and the addicted?
This dead horse is now flogged.

If it helps I did buy some Ulfrotte Woolpower for this winter on your advice although while it's nice, the shape's a bit funny round the arms and I think the body could do with being a bit longer. My daughter liked the box though, she's very fond of all things ovine.

That was nearly a year ago you mentioned it and even at that time I wrote:

This thread's drifted far enough into dress up for now.


North Yorkshire
If it helps I did buy some Ulfrotte Woolpower for this winter on your advice although while it's nice, the shape's a bit funny round the arms and I think the body could do with being a bit longer. My daughter liked the box though, she's very fond of all things ovine.

That was nearly a year ago you mentioned it and even at that time I wrote:

Only yesterday I was bemoaning the death of some green Woolpower socks, whose heels don't withstand work boots. They have been retired to the "mend me" bag.

Skint peasant as I am - my rude hut warmed entirely by scavenged firewood donkeyed uphill in an old coal sack (how I dream of The Coal Days!) - my Ulfrotte layers leave me impervious. None of it fits, as in catwalk, but all of it does the job.

You were right a year ago. Has it been that long?


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Today I am mostly wearing Levi 501s and a Rapanui hoodie.

Rapanui stuff is good and ethical, but buy it plain, their printed designs don't last very well. Pockets on the hoodie tend to pop inside out as well but I can live with that.
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North Yorkshire
Cutting quite a dash there, winjim

Submariner gansey here, and a pair of Spencer's wool work trousers. Darn Tough socks, which are equal to the hammer meted out by unlined Lennon boots.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Cutting quite a dash there, winjim

Submariner gansey here, and a pair of Spencer's wool work trousers. Darn Tough socks, which are equal to the hammer meted out by unlined Lennon boots.

I'm waiting for my cheap acrylic Firetrap jumper to thoroughly wear out before I can buy a nice heavy wool one. I did get a thick cotton jumper very cheap in the summer sales from the same place I bought my sassy pink merino v-neck for work, but it's not the same as proper wool.


Can recommend ebay for cheap leather jackets. Got an as new Lakeland jacket for £22 delivered last March, and it was from an ebay charity shop too so that was extra nice. I buy very few clothes now. I'm trying to wear the hundreds of things I have rather than buy more stuff. I bought less than 10 items of clothing/shoes last year I reckon, not including underwear, but including 2 ebay jackets. Did get a couple of t shirts as presents.


Senior Member
When should you stop wearing trainers all the time, seems to be the footwear of choice for older men these days.
But do quite like to see older women wearing them into late 40s 50s :hyper:


Everyone was wearing trainers most of the time when 40 or 50 year old men were in their teens and 20s. What should they be wearing? Asking for a friend in a similar age bracket.
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