The men's dress style thread..

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Über Member
I know what a manky crow is, my house is next to a rookery. What I meant was the meaning of a crow feather, is it similar to a yellow carnation in the language of flowers ("do one" as the modern idiom would say)?

I suppose so! The crow is associated as the harbinger of death!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Which pair of socks do you prefer?






Über Member
I have a predeliction for wearing Railway orange when out and about on a bike, but that wasn't part of the choice !


Über Member
Maybe prefer is a hard choice.

Which ones don't you care about being buried in?

I wouldn't be in a state of mind to worry about what I were wearing when I'm dead! The only way to go , is either heroically or, as is likely for me in abject disgrace, more my hedenoistic style. 😲📴 !
Maybe prefer is a hard choice.

Which ones don't you care about being buried in?

If I am being buried in it I am past caring - probably whichever burns best!!!

If they dig me up in a few hundred years time then
a) I don;t care what they think of my clothes
b) I want to know why my wife ignored my instruction to burn me and lob me off a boat somewhere!!!!


Legendary Member
b) I want to know why my wife ignored my instruction to burn me and lob me off a boat somewhere!!!!

yo want to be careful about instructions like that, if she only tuned in for the end of the sentence and starts asking you about going on a cruise.....

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm giving my Merc brand customised by me, regarding the badges/patches and the detachable fur around the hood, mod style parka to a friend who has promised not to sell it on fleabay, like some have done when I've 'gifted' my garbs to them. 🧐 These things are selling for about 140 quid new, and 80 quid 'pre-loved'. I'm far too much of a realist, who knows my days of wearing such items, especially when using a walking aid, are definitely long gone!🧐





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