The Fridays London Ride - Windows and Death - 29th December

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Time to go out for a bike ride, srw!
I've gone on a bike ride tonight. It's cold! This is the first time I've worn a down jacket while pedalling a Brommie. Still, wouldn't want to miss the Johnstone's Paint Trophy excitement at Sixfields. It's half-time: Cobblers 0 Orient 0.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I went for a bike ride earlier - a short pull up the hill from a station to our training centre, and then down again after lunch.


The Borough
I shall be out of London for this ride - always seem to miss these unfortunately.
I see Hanover square is not on the route although in August it was indeed the scene of death caused by a 300 kg window which was left precariously balanced against a wall during construction of a new building.


pre-talced and mighty
srw - I've been annoyed by not being able to attribute the building you work in - but I think I've worked out the building it pays tribute to


Carson Pirie, Chicago. 1899
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pre-talced and mighty
about 80 now

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Charlotte B
Chris B
Chris By
Clive B
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Eddie C
Els V
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Grace W
Grahame D
Helen Sk
Iain C
Ian McS
Ian S
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Jocelyn C S
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Martin S
Martin T
Martin W
Mick D
Miki Y
Miranda S
Moses A
Mrs D who may have a first name
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Pamela W
Paul R
Paul Rb
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Philip K
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Ruth L
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Stuart G
Susie F
Tacey L
Tilman B (+1?)
Tim H
Titus H
Tom B
Xi C

I'm going to see All Bar One


состоянии линолеум завод № 24 found it!
You've lost me now, DZ. The State Linoleum Factory No 24?

My knowledge of Leninist linoleum is limited to that in the small room he worked in at 37a Clerkenwell Green, now the Marx Memorial Library. When I went to a meeting there about a dozen years ago - it was the AGM of the William Morris Society (Morris had guaranteed the rent which the socialist tenants were paying in the 1880s) - the Library was selling small framed squares of the original linoleum - linoleum that Lenin had walked on! It seemed expensive at the time and, regretfully, I didn't buy a square.

So, what about this factory?
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