The dippy things men say (thread for the women)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
yello said:
I do think there's as much difference between any 2 men, or 2 women, as there is between men and women... but periodically when these sorts of discussions arise, and certain remarks strike a chord (albeit in a humorous way), you've just go to wonder!

I think the differences are getting less and less. There was a time when I would have asserted that women were safer drivers than men, for example, but now I think they are probably equally bad - perhaps in different ways (to be wildly stereotypical, bad male drivers being more macho, but bad women more dippy - both equally dangerous, but different), but the proportion of good and bad in each sex is more likely to be the same.

In the end, it's not the sex as a whole that matters, it's the people close around you.

I've been enjoying watching my nephew this Xmas. When they arrived, he was brandishing a roll of gold wrapping paper, which his dad claimed was a light sabre, (cue waving it about, making mmmmm mmmm noises). Give it to Oli, and he lowers one end to the floor and walks around 'hoovering' the carpet with it, having seen the hoover used at home.;)

Night Train

Maker of Things
Arch said:
I think the differences are getting less and less. There was a time when I would have asserted that women were safer drivers than men, for example, but now I think they are probably equally bad - perhaps in different ways (to be wildly stereotypical, bad male drivers being more macho, but bad women more dippy - both equally dangerous, but different), but the proportion of good and bad in each sex is more likely to be the same.
I think the women drivers thing applied in the 70's when fewer women were alloed to drive when there was a man present. Since then a lot women have picked up an awful lot of the bad habits that men are generally accused of.

Arch said:
In the end, it's not the sex as a whole that matters, it's the people close around you.
I keep thinking that of relationships, but that's a different thread.;):angry:
Auntie Helen

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Although I do think the gender differences are becoming less clear cut, there are still some basic physiological differences that I think won't go away. I'm thinking here of the different ways in which eyesight works for men and women - men seeing more clearly directly ahead, women more aware of what's happening on the periphery. The book "Why men don't talk and why women can't read maps" was a really interesting read and helped me understand many of the differences, some of which I previously put down to the chap just being awkward.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Auntie Helen said:
I'm thinking here of the different ways in which eyesight works for men and women - men seeing more clearly directly ahead, women more aware of what's happening on the periphery.
Not necessarily! When I was about 20 years old, I was with a group of male friends in a mate's car. He was driving too fast (as usual) and appeared to be staring at a point on the horizon (presumably on the grounds that we'd be arriving there in about 5 seconds time and he needed to know if there was anything in our way). Suddenly, he shouted... "WOW, did you see them!!!" After I'd scraped myself off the roof lining, I asked who or what the them were. Turned out to be a couple of young women in miniskirts and low-cut tops, about 300 yards up a side-street. That's some peripheral vision ;)!


trying not to sound sexist here, but I do find women have less spacial awareness when behind the wheel of a motorised carriage.

although to be fair the missus was far better at not crashing the kids buggy into peoples ankles than I was ;)

oh, and women and football don't mix! hehee maybe I should rename myself Sid the Sexist :angry:

helmet on, bunker dug...


2 blokes have a disagreement = call each other tossers and move on.
2 women have a disagreement = a lifetime of festering resentment, bitching and planning revenge. ;)


Vice Admiral
johnnyh said:
trying not to sound sexist here, but I do find women have less spacial awareness when behind the wheel of a motorised carriage.

although to be fair the missus was far better at not crashing the kids buggy into peoples ankles than I was :biggrin:

oh, and women and football don't mix! hehee maybe I should rename myself Sid the Sexist :biggrin:

helmet on, bunker dug...

I must be male then. :ohmy:;):angry:

Good spatial awarenes when behind the wheel of a vehicle with an internal combustion engine, including the ability to use reverse lock, to get out of tight corners.;) I would add to that excellent anticipation skills, essential on Worcestershire's narrow roads, and sometimes we even have busy roads. :ohmy:

Hopeless at steering a trolley, cannot make it go where I want it. However I think this is due to lack of practice, as I do most heavy shopping on-line, the fruit, veg and meat do not require a supermarket visit. Just before Christmas I needed to visit Tesco's in person as they had my favourite chocs on offer, and I managed with a basket. :ohmy:
No experience whatsoever with kid's buggies.

Yes, I do understand the off-side rule. :smile:
(Also know which is near-side and which is far-side in relation to above-mentionned vehicle).

* makes note apply for a new passport because of change of gender *

BTW do you, johnnyH, wear a very small helmet? :angry:


from an insurance info website...

Are women better drivers than men?

Well.......its hard to say they are better, although they are statistically safer. Women have just as many accidents as men, however they tend to be minor prangs. Men on the other hand seem to do the job properly when they crash and as a result cost their insurance company a lot more money."

see we even crash properly! ;);)


Bird Saviour
i have to say i'm a really good driver. no i'm not being big headed, its true. i've even had men say "you drive like a man" which i think is actually their way of complimenting me ;) i passed my test in 14 lessons, my sister passed hers in 9, my brother in 5 so i think its genetic or something. my sis drives an ambulance and fast response car and you know how many tests you have to pass for that!!!

however, i can totally see why men hate women drivers. this is probably an awful thing to admit for a woman but i only feel safe with about 5 of my female friends. The rest... well, i dunno how the feck they passed their tests. one is so bad that she nearly wrote us off 3 times in a 2 mile journey. i was a nervous wreck by the time i got home and now i make any excuse NOT to get in a car with her. the reason i don't trust other friends is because they are nervous, which makes me nervous! They clearly don't enjoy driving, whereas i do, so I think that's what makes them bad.

i think the main problem with male drivers is not their skills but their attitudes and they tend to speed more.
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