So where is this evidence? Why aren't the manufacturers shouting it from the rooftops rather than just lobbying people like the UCI to promote helmet use?
We're now on page 102 and the only evidential study we've seen so far is one that was discredited years ago.
If you could show me 80% proof that a helmet would (not could or might) prevent injury then I would probably wear one but I doubt that exist cos if it did and I was working for SpeciaTrekBell it would be at the top of my advert in a very large font.
helmets are made to various standards to comply with EEC and US manufacture regulations.
these scientifically demonstrate the helmet can withstand certain impacts.
now a helmet manufacturer can say its made to this or that standard, he cannot say it will protect you as it would lead him to be liable to claims. - actual impacts and circumstances of an impact are to variable.
the only test I can suggest as to will a helmet help, is put helmet on - headbut a brick wall as hard as you can. then take helmet off and repeat. - which results in less blood / injury. - in that impact the helmet probably made a difference. - so it worked (we hope) beyond that , different impact could be completely different result - its upto you after that to decide if it will make a difference. - so do, some don't.
Faith - I mean not in god or some man made deity (same thing isn't it?) - I mean faith in the helmet. in the same way we have faith in , the brakes on the car. - they have demonstrated in the past they worked, so you have faith they will work when you need them. - there's absolutely no guarantee they will , in-fact they may cause the crash (as in skidding). Helmets tend to stay on heads that have experience bumps were you felt it made a difference, - you have a degree in faith in them.
all the empirical evidence in the world won't change your attitude unless you believe in helmets.