The CycleChat Helmet Debate Thread

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Legendary Member
when I used to wear a helmet cycling , I thought cycle helmets looked v flimsy so actually wore my caving helmet (strictly speaking a climbing helmet) which was hard shell glassfibre with a proper head cradle. It also didn't stick out as far so presumably less of the "bigger head" and "rotational injury" problem too.

Given we know cycle helmets are known to be useless maybe my seemingly superior caving helmet was of net benefit?

In the end I just stopped wearing it


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I think the shell is there to protect the polysyrene when you're carrying it around and gives something to attach the strap to.
Protection while carrying is one purpose (shouldn't the strap be set in the foam, though?). It also holds the polystyrene together to allow larger vents than would be possible if there was no shell, it spreads the impact a little (remembering that cycle crash helmets only deal with much weaker impacts) and should slide a bit if you go skidding along the road (letting you decelerate a bit before the polystyrene bites in and yanks your neck around).


Lovely jubbly
Absurdly I see more quad bikes than I do cyclists in excess of 30 mph

As long as you continue to fiddle the results by limiting your comparison between a high risk cycling activity of a minority with "normal" day to day activities there is no point in giving examples
Ok so we'll add quad bikers to the list of people who can travel above 30mph without having to wear protective equipment. Cool, another activity that bears no similarities with walking down the street or drinking beer.


Legendary Member
Ok so we'll add quad bikers to the list of people who can travel above 30mph without having to wear protective equipment. Cool, another activity that bears no similarities with walking down the street or drinking beer.

Trying to get it back into debate rather than argument - but why are you dismissing the alcohol argument ? Drunken people do injure themselves a lot including bashing their heads? Ok not at 30 mph, but a head injury's still an injury surely? And more likely to be within a helmet's capabilities too.
This is where so many people are uncomfortable

Helmets are simply an ornament without any useful function (apart from posing, fitting cameras or lights) until an accident occurs when they may (or may not) help

So let's assume 100.% efficiency and that every head injury would be prevented

Would that justify cyclists wearing them?
Like Mr P, I've worked in a specialist neuro-rehab unit. About half of the patients in there had injuries that arose from alcohol consumption.

My partner is a consultant at one of the country's leading hospitals. He specialises in treating drugs and alcohol related issues and most of his referrals come via A&E. Why do you think that hospital thinks they needs his specialist services?
They weren't travelling at 30 mph and therefore are excluded... Simples


Legendary Member
They weren't travelling at 30 mph and therefore are excluded... Simples

yebbutt I wear my caving helmet as it stops it hurting when I bash my head on the roof - very effective at a lot less than 30mph. It's also somewhere to attatch my lamp


Well-Known Member
Just a minor contribution to the debate, cycling on a disused railrack in co Durham,, approx speed 18mph a low tree branch poking through the foliage near split my helmet open. I'm pleased I wore my cycling helmet that day


Lovely jubbly
Trying to get it back into debate rather than argument - but why are you dismissing the alcohol argument ? Drunken people do injure themselves a lot including bashing their heads? Ok not at 30 mph, but a head injury's still an injury surely? And more likely to be within a helmet's capabilities too.
Because I just don't see that has anything remotely to do with cycling.


Lovely jubbly
Just a minor contribution to the debate, cycling on a disused railrack in co Durham,, approx speed 18mph a low tree branch poking through the foliage near split my helmet open. I'm pleased I wore my cycling helmet that day
Careful, common sense is not allowed here because you could have done that whilst walking home drunk from the pub.
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