The CycleChat Helmet Debate Thread

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Far too many recent posts have been far too far Off Topic. Some have already been Deleted, more probably will be.

No more personal stuff, no more trying to identify members, just get back to the debate about Helmets ... if there is anything new to be contributed.

Thank you.
It is the trickle down effect that may well be the problem whether from RR or strava and it is relevant.
Why are people riding bikes singled out for this though? Why not drivers? The 'pros wear it so it should be good' argument is equally valid there.


Well-Known Member
Why are people riding bikes singled out for this though? Why not drivers? The 'pros wear it so it should be good' argument is equally valid there.
You would think that would be an easy question to answer wouldn't you ? I think its complicated but my short answer is there is money to be made.

Another reason I think is because cyclists are passionate and generally above average intelligence and can think for themselves they are an easy target because they are divided this is just one example
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the edit, you've saved me the effort of quoting the posts I had in mind. Maybe you could consider the difference between abuse and taking the piss. A subtle difference sometimes...
Indeed,and I have, that is been abused and had the piss taken but then again I've got a thick skin. Not everybody who wanders in here tho' would be so patient lol


Well-Known Member
Apols .... Was about to fly .... Again.
99% do wear helmets, that's their choice .... Or response to peer pressure of which there is much.
Peer pressure now there is a sore point, my kids are made to wear helmets for obvious reasons and when I do leisure rides with the family nearly all the other kids and their mums are wearing helmets but the fathers aren't.

What's that all about ?
Peer pressure now there is a sore point, my kids are made to wear helmets for obvious reasons and when I do leisure rides with the family nearly all the other kids and their mums are wearing helmets but the fathers aren't.

What's that all about ?

It is called choice, something beyond most pro-helmet evangelists
It is the trickle down effect that may well be the problem whether from RR or strava and it is relevant.
Does that make boy racers and sporty cars an argument for car helmets?


Well-Known Member
What isn't right?
The right to choose or the fact that the concept of a choice is beyond most pro-helmet evangelists?
Blimey slow down I could not link to the post you made coz you were flaming editing it don't get your knickers in a twist.


Well-Known Member
Here we go 'Boy Racers' and ' Pro- Helmet Evangelists' who was it that asked why cyclists were made a target ?
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