Kilometre nibbler
So effectively we have to start paying for the football in order to continue getting the cycling. Is that about the size of it?
Just seen all this ES stuff. But haven't been following all the GCN/Disco+ stuff at all. I have ES 1 and 2 as part of my Virgin package. Is this being affected by all of these changes?
Just answering my own question. I now understand that ES will disappear from my Virgin package at the end of February but I can still get it if I pay an extra £18/month. Stuff that.
I wonder, I thought, would it be cheaper to get TNT via my Sky subscription. And yes, it would. Instead of £30.99/mo it would cost me a mere £30/mo. A saving of 99p a month. Woo.
But think of the benefits. I'd get the football. Jolly good. The last time I watched a football match was sitting in a hotel in Bradford in about 1996. So I'm not terribly excited about that. I'd get moto GP (that's motorbikes right?) boxing, UFC whatever that is and NBA which I think is basketball. Zero interest in any of that lot.
Remember the good old days of GCN Plus early bird being about £25 a year or something like that. Sigh.
Those were not the good old days. Those offers were the bait, as I told you at the time. Now WB have cornered most of the rights, the price gets optimised to extract the most from the most. Enjoy it 🐑🐑🐑Remember the good old days of GCN Plus early bird being about £25 a year or something like that. Sigh.