Just done d'Izoard, actually really enjoyed it, some guy joined the session with me and flew off at the beginning, then his legs must have given out as I beat him by about 12 minutes. A few others joined but didn't stay the distance.
I'm going to struggle with the live Thursday rides towards the end of the month as they'll clash with the club evening rides. Trying to plan out my training, I think it's going to look something like:
Monday, goat stage
Tuesday, quick 20 mile loop (1000+ft), aim to get sub 1 hour by the end of the summer
Wednesday, recovery ride with teenage son number 1 (recovery for me, i'll be pushing him)
Thursday, evening club ride
Friday - Rest and fish and chips
Saturday - Club ride
Sunday - rest and roast dinner (maybe the occasional Sunday club breakfast ride or again out with teenage son number 1, depends how the legs feel).
As you can see it's about as scientific as a not very scientific thing, but hopefully it'll get me near my target times for Velothon Wales (5 and a half hours) and the Pru Ride 100 (again about 5 and a half hours).