I did it on my own and was chasing ghosts, and one of them was Jacob on 5:16 and I came in 13 seconds back and felt pleased.
Short lived.
Going to put a 52 ring on and give it another shot.
Never umderestimate the power of the Danish league! About 108 Bkoolers were on the startline tonight.
Yes, I think I may have to give it another go as well. Maybe I can shave off an extra 10-20 seconds, if I don’t fek up the start.
Logged into Bkool 5 minutes before race start, but it wouldn’t connect the trainer. Off the bike checking power cable, back on the bike and switching the trainer on/off a couple of times, no luck. Quit the simulator, noticed the clock said 7:59, and logged in again and it worked. I then found the race and was pretty confident it had already started, so I just started pedalling like crazy waiting for the question to start from the beginning. But alas, I jumped into the warmup with less than 10 seconds to start.
So there I just sat waiting for the backwheel to stop spinning, so that I could take off....