Team BKool CycleChat

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I didn't see a search function once on the live page Bill, rather a filter section at the bottom. I did try and look via the leagues tab but it only seemed to offer me the option to start a new ride rather than observe a current one. Of course, the Ipad was not connected to the turbo which might affect access?

Yes, I fear snickers may not be enough:unsure:
To watch a ride you do not need to have the turbo connected.
With the Live tab highlighted. The filter section at the bottom is where you find the ride. Click on filter, select the arrow on the right, then at the prompt type in part of the ride or league name (in this case "goat" will work). The ride will come up.
This is better with pictures of course but I don't have the access right now.


Powys, Wales
I too have done some steady rides and never been dropped a fitness rating. Besides, if you get dropped, you just have to earn it back. I imagine you would have to do a half hour ride to have if count towards your rating, otherwise there is no way of BKool knowing if you are doing an endurance or a tempo session.
I will try a few test runs tonight too. Start doing some research. I will get handicap times posted before the weekend too.


professional procrastinator
Norn Iron
Agreed. I don't think it'll drop the fitness levels though. I've done some very slow rides before at only 2/3rds effort and not had my fitness dropped because of it. Velodrome of course is another story.
I think I remember reading somewhere that it takes into account a certain time period of a few weeks and determines from that if you should be downgraded. Happened me once as i didnt do anything for ages that warranted my level at that time. My wife has done some pretty slow rides on my account since and it hasn't affected my current standing.

Rob H

Eat, Sleep, Climb, Repeat
WHat times tomorrows chain gang? the last 2 weeks ive been real riding and working leaveing no room for bkool :sad:


Oh hang on.... It's that flat one isn't it? Mmm they might still be bad....
Its fast and I've got my fast tyre on the bike.
And I owe you a whooping :tongue:


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Just been up my usual Merry Harriers climb and beaten my "real life" best again - a bit of a tail wind helped, as I was only 1 watt stronger than previous best, but quite a bit faster.

As I was climbing I was trying to understand why it is harder to keep the watts up on a real climb than it is on the trainer. I guess being bolted in, stable and level, not having to worry about balance or road surface or traffic, etc. allows you to put all your effort into your pedalling. I did try to relax my upper body and keep my core stable, but it's just so much more difficult while balancing at lowish speed on a rough road surface at 10%+.

Average power on the PowerTap was 262 Watts, which is getting very close to the best I got on the same climb on Bkool (270.6 Watts), but I've probably got a little stronger since then.

What I find a little hard to understand is if I can average 290 Watts for 20 minutes on an FTP test, why I can't do the same for 8 minutes on this real life climb?

I'm going to keep practising until I can get my average on the real life climb up to 300 Watts! :training:

P.S. Strava estimates for power for the same segment last year, before training with Bkool, were around 200 Watts or so, so a 20-30% increase in power in 5 months of Bkool is not bad at all. :wahhey:
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Midweek suits me too.

Just a thought -we sit on the line until our allotted time to start. Will bkool not think we wish to quit if we don't pedal? Will it sit happily for that length of time without doing something funny?

Looking forward to this though. Should be great craic! :smile:
I tried this today by joining a session with a few guys on the 3D start line. The race started and me and someone else just stayed on the line. There was no problem with this. The clock just counted for a few minutes with no messages coming up asking if I wish to quit. Then I started to pedal and moved forward. I then stopped pedalling and then it asked if I wanted to quit. So no problem for our handicap race it seems.
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