Hi there. I think we all found the BKool somewhat harder than our RL bike experiences.
If it is ludicrously hard, even on supposedly level terrain, it is not unheard of for BKool to have sent out miscalibrated machines.
In which case contact them, wait 'patiently' (they are not renowned for their speedy responses) and they will sort it.
Alternatively, embrace the extra hardship, tell yourself that it will only make your real cycling quicker and stronger.
For the money, it is a fantastic piece of kit, and you will become quite engaged to it I'm sure, but just bear in mind it's not top of the range.
If you are going to ride it regularly, join one or both of our leagues. There is a range of ability and it's bloody good fun! But be warned, the Goats League can be pretty brutal, if flat is your thing, you might wish to let that 'monster' sleep.