Team BKool CycleChat

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Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
I still cannot see my Alpe d'Huez ride.

It's on the stage page, it won't appear in the overall league standings for a little while, should be there by morning.

Look here ...



Definitely a Chain Gang tomorrow night, 7pm warm up to start just after the 2 minute count down is reached!

A rerun generally on Saturday at 5pm, if there is any demand for it. Perhaps as we get into the lighter evenings we may have to rethink this time, as people may be out getting weekend rides in?

I would encourage anyone who can to try the Chain Gang sessions when everyone else is doing them, the additional fun and motivation of the group sessions is great, and the more the merrier (plus the drafting makes you faster).

Kipster, it's ideal for getting moved up to Active 4 or 5!

The Alpe d'Huez stage is marked to be live until the 12th, which usually means around 10pm on the 13th, so should be good until Friday evening (just), although I can't vouch for Bkool's consistency with dates and times.

When I schedule the sessions, whatever date I put in it immediately takes a day off, but then doesn't start or end until the following day (around 10pm) thereby following the date originally specified. I guess it's the same for Bill. I think they are mis-applying the time difference and instead of starting at 0:00 on the date specified, they subtract one hour to get GMT and hence show the date before. However, why it actually starts and finishes around 23 hours later is beyond me.


Ok so chain gang ride Thursday and goat on Friday monrning, legs allowing


Über Member
I can't make this evening's ride, nor Saturday's re-run so I'm planning to ride this evening's route this afternoon around 3 o'clock. I couldn't keep up with the chain gang last week anyway and rode solo... Thanks for all your help, I'm getting the bug for this Bkool, just need to get some better legs.


Ha damn you Bill! Sprints tonight... Then my club kit fitting/social, who'd have thought a bunch of men would meet in a pub to try on clothes.... :cheers:

Now your talking! Somewhere in the rules I think: that the only good recovery involves beer. Just so long as its real ale mind.

My recovery will be this weekend so missing out on the Saturday re-run :cheers:


Now your talking! Somewhere in the rules I think: that the only good recovery involves beer. Just so long as its real ale mind.

My recovery will be this weekend so missing out on the Saturday re-run :cheers:

My recovery is at home watching Ireland beat Wales (fingers crossed) in the Rugby with a beer or two. So I wont be at the rerun as I'll either be drowning my sorrows or celebrating.


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
I didn't mean this Sunday, I meant Sunday generally, but I take your point! :B)

The idea of the rerun is to give those who struggle with Thursday nights at 7 pm (due to work, children, clubs, etc.) an alternative time when they can experience the multi-user rides, so it needs to be a day and time where those people can make it. This means a weekend rather than a week night, earlier or later rather than 7 pm, just generally a time when those people have a better chance to join in.

The last few Saturday reruns have been rather sparsely attended (2 or 3 people), and it occurs to me that as we go into Summer Time 5 pm on a Saturday is a likely time for people to be outside?

I'm really looking for people who regularly fail to make Thursday due to other commitments (rather than those who tend to do both days) to suggest days and times which would suit them better, so we can find a consensus.

Or perhaps we just give up on the re-run if there is not enough demand? Until next November?

I can't take off work today so I just did today's ride and it was a slug ride. I really need a rerun on the weekend. We already changed for daylight savings so I can sleep in another hour.

Edit I typed my reply before read Geoff last post so it sounded like a response to his but I just meant to convey had a terrible ride this morning. I'm ok with no weekend ride.
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Über Member
Hi there,

You find out on the road that you get chance to freewheel, relax and put the power down when YOU want, where as bkool is resistance from the off till the finish, if the resistance on Bkool is making the ride tougher than when your out on the road I would take that as a good thing for when you are out on the road. may be worth riding slower on bkool till you get used to it, also are you using a fan to cool yourself ?

That's a good point which I must admit I hadn't considered.

Had a decent session today and feeling much better about it. I don't use a fan.....instead I set it up each time in the conservatory with all the doors and windows open so nice and cool and I can also watch myself on the big screen! The only trouble is so can everyone else....
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